Aqa combined science chemistry paper 2 specification. The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change.

Aqa combined science chemistry paper 2 specification June 2019 AQA Chemistry (9-1) GCSE Past Papers (8462) Paper 1 – Chemistry - Foundation (8462/1F) For 2024, an equations sheet will be provided for exams. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Most are not provided on the paper. The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change. Mark scheme Further copies of this mark scheme are available from aqa. This file in an Excel Spreadsheet but is easily convertible to Google Sheet or Printable PDF. Download Periodic table for all papers . 1 Subject content 8 2. Questions in Paper 2 may draw on fundamental concepts and principles from sections 4. 3 Alternative answers acceptable for a mark are indicated by the use of or. 7% of GCSE; Questions – Multiple choice, closed short answer, and ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Mar 2, 2020 · Revision checklists based on the specification for AQA GCSE Combined Science Chemistry. May 5, 2024 · This resource includes detailed revision notes that cover ALL of the specification content for Biology, Chemistry and Physics Papers 1&2 of the GCSE AQA Combined Science: Trilogy course, and notes are divided according to topics of Oxford AQA Biology for GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Textbook. Exam Papers Paper Duration Biology Paper 1 1hr 15 min Chemistry Paper 1 1hr 15 min Physics Paper 1 1hr 15 min Biology Paper 2 1hr 15 min Chemistry Paper 2 1hr 15 min Physics Paper 2 1hr 15 min Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) GCSE Combined Science: Synergy Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016. 2 of 24 Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) English Language (8700) Paper 2 Physics AQA Education intends to apply for an injunction preventing May 16, 2024 · Each sheet is designed to focus on a specific part of the specification and is designed to take around 10 minutes. 3 Infection and response 34 4. This will be added as an insert with GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Physics Paper 1 and Paper 2, or you can download the equations sheet now. Mark scheme level of demand and specification content that each question is intended GCSE COMBINED AQA GCSE Trilogy Combined Science Students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics and are awarded two GCSE grades between 9-9 and 1-1. 4 Any wording that is underlined is essential for the marking point to be May 16, 2024 · A set of revision guide sheets for AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2. 5 Energy Changes Chemistry Paper 2 GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy. Ref. Question paper (Modified A4 18pt) (Higher): Paper 1 Chemistry - June 2022 Published 14 Jul 2023 | PDF | 1005 KB Question paper (Higher): Paper 1 Biology - June 2022 This specification encourages the development of knowledge and understanding in science through opportunities for working scientifically. 1 Cell biology 20 4. Use the mark schemes with the past papers to see what wording the examiners are looking for. 1 to 4. 4 Any wording that is underlined is essential for the marking point to be AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy: Chemistry Exam Questions. 2 Assessments 9 3 Working scientifically 12 GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy. 7. Make sure you learn the equations before you take the exam. The left hand column contains the subject content that all students must cover, and that can be assessed in the written papers. Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of Paper 2 Chemistry These papers also contain most of the questions regarding practical work, including required practicals. 2 Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter 26 4. 3 Question Answers Extra information Mark AO / Spec. Key Features: When planning your lessons, remember that the required practical activities listed as chemistry‘ only’ (practicals 2 and 7) are only required by GCSE Chemistry and not for either of the combined science specifications. Choose option 1of 24 Chemistry Co-teaching Combined Science and Chemistry April 2016 Area Spec reference Both specifications Chemistry Combined Chemistry only Use Quizlet for AQA GCSE Combined Science Chemistry to learn about everything from ionic compounds to nanoscience. 2 Support and resources to help you teach 6 2 Specification at a glance 9 2. Atomic Structure. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). 2 and 5. 8 will be assessed in Paper 3 and Paper 4. Paper 1 = C1 - C5 Paper 2 = C6 - C10 Back to Combined Science: Trilogy Home Welcome to the Chemistry Paper 2 home page for AQA Combined Science. Biology Paper 1. These revision guides have been updated from the 2022 version to now include all content from the specification. This mark scheme includes any amendments Feb 6, 2024 · This resource includes detailed revision notes that cover ALL of the specification content for Chemistry Papers 1 and 2 of the GCSE AQA Combined Science: Trilogy course, and notes are divided according to topics of Oxford AQA Biology for GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Textbook. Feb 24, 2024 · This revision resource is designed to help students prepare for their Chemistry Paper 2 exam for AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy. Mark schemes are prepared by the Lead Assessment Writer and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. 2 of 24 AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy: Chemistry Revision. All the lessons for paper 1 for Combined Science (Trilogy) Chemistry. We feel it is so important that we have woven it throughout our specification and written papers. This page is split up into content and past papers. Levels of demand AQA Combined Science All Specification Review: Chemistry Bundle **75% of individual resources. Question paper (Modified A3 36pt) (Higher): Paper 1 Chemistry - June 2023 New Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 882 KB Question paper (Higher): Paper 1 Physics - June 2023 New Use Quizlet for AQA GCSE Combined Science to learn about everything from cell biology to kinetic theory. 2 hydrocarbon molecules in petrol have fewer carbon atoms than those in diesel Free online AQA Trilogy foundation/higher science tests based on past papers to increase your understanding of biology, chemistry and physics GCSE exams. GCSE AQA Combined Science Questions Chemistry Paper 1. The subject content is split into three sections for each of the subject areas: biology, chemistry and physics. 3. Included in this download are 4 separate sheet packs: • Combined Science Foundation • Combined Science Higher Visit aqa. Visit 1. DRAFT May 5, 2024 · GCSE AQA Combined Science Trilogy Specification Revision Notes for Chemistry Paper 2 (Higher and Foundation) Forget those expensive textbooks! These notes cover everything you need to know, without the excess, so you can rest assured that you know everything you need for the exam – and achieve those Grades 8/9!! Visit aqa. Cell Biology Chemistry Paper 2. 9. 5 Homeostasis and Combined Science Specification Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Combined Science (1SC0) Paper 4: Chemistry 2 (Paper code: 1SC0/2CF, 1SC0/2CH) COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/C/2H Chemistry Paper 2H . org. These are listed at appropriate points in the subject content. All other specification points from C1, other those on these pages that are not explicitly omitted, may still be assessed in multiple choice questions/linked to a previous answer, so cannot be completely ignored in your revision This specification is presented in a two column format. Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) GCSE Chemistry Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016. Exam code: 8464 Tools designed specifically for the AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy: Chemistry syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners These specification points will be the major focus of this paper. Support and resources to help you teach For 2024, an equations sheet will be provided for exams. Paper 2 – Chemistry - Foundation (8462/2F) Download Paper - Download Marking Scheme. MARK SCHEME – GCSE COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY – CHEMISTRY PAPER 1H – SPECIMEN MATERIAL . 4 will be assessed in Paper 1 and Paper 2. 4 Any wording that is underlined is essential for the marking point to be awarded. Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. As this information was already outlined at the beginning of the specification subject content, this clarification will apply to exams sat in 2020 and onwards. These sheets have been updated from the 2022 version to now include all content from the specification. 1–4. 2 Organisation 26 4. 3 are fundamental to an understanding of chemistry and unperpin much of the content detailed in later sections of the specification. 3 are fundamental to an understanding of chemistry and underpin much of the content detailed in later sections of the specification. Title: Question paper (Foundation) : Paper 2 Chemistry - June 2023 Author: AQA Subject: Science; Chemistry Created Date: 6/12/2024 1:35:32 PM We are an educational charity focused on the needs of teachers and students. Working scientifically is the sum of all the activities that scientists do. REPORT ON THE EXAMINATION – GCSE COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY – 8464/C/2H – JUNE 2023 3 of 8 General Around 140,000 students sat this component, so a wide and varied range of responses was seen. Topics 6–10: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. 1 Why choose AQA for GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy 5 1. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions InfectionandResponse Red Amber Green Pathogens https://mmerevise. Chemistry topics 13–17: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. 1 Atomic structure and the periodic table 17 4. Teachers should ensure they have This assessment pack includes a Walking Talking Mock for an AQA-style question paper based on content from chemistry topics 6 – 10 of the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy specification and the accompanying mark scheme. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: Chemistry Paper 2 of GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions COMBINED SCIENCE STUDY PACK CHEMISTRY REVISION AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy 8464 Name_____ Paper Exam Date Chemistry Paper 1 5. 01. AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy (8464) and Combined Science Synergy (8465) past exam papers and marking schemes, the past papers are free to download for you to use as practice for your exams. All taught directly from the specification to help you reach for the top grades. 14. They’re specifically written for the AQA GCSE chemistry syllabus. Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. 3 Quantitative Chemistry 5. 2. 5. 1 to 5. Students will be directly examined on these fundamental concepts in Paper 1. Paper 2 – Chemistry - Higher (8462/2H) Download Paper - Download Marking Scheme. 4 Bioenergetics 39 4. 1. 2 Assessments 9 3 Working scientifically 13 4 Biology subject content 19 4. Support and resources to help you teach COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/C/2F Chemistry Paper 2F . 8464. The required practical activities listed in the GCSE Combined Science specifications (8464 and 8465) have been written to ensure that students have the opportunity to experience all of the Apparatus and Techniques (AT) criteria required by Ofqual. GCSE Combined Science past paper questions by topic for AQA. Specification Planning resources (2) Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. We are an educational charity focused on the needs of teachers and students. uk GCSE COMBINED SCIENCE May 5, 2024 · GCSE AQA Combined Science Trilogy Specification Revision Notes for Chemistry Paper 1 (Higher and Foundation) Forget those expensive textbooks! These notes cover everything you need to know, without the excess, so you can rest assured that you know everything you need for the exam – and achieve those Grades 8/9!! GCSE Combined Science questions by topic, past papers, videos and more for AQA. 5 Homeostasis and Revision notes for the AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy: Chemistry syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. Alternative words in the mark scheme are shown by a solidus eg allow smooth / free movement. Students found this paper more accessible than previous series with the average mark on the paper increasing significantly. Each page is designed to focus on a specific part of the specification. 1 Introduction 2 Why choose Edexcel GCSE in Chemistry? 2 Supporting you in planning and implementing this qualification 3 Qualification at a glance 4 2 Subject content 5 3 Assessment information 41 4 Administration and general information 44 Entries 44 Access arrangements, reasonable adjustments, special consideration and malpractice 44 COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/C/2H Chemistry Paper 2H . 05. The paper includes low-demand and standard-demand questions, suitable for foundation-tier students. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions Chemistry Paper 2 – Chemistry topics 13–17: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. Assessment Structure. level of demand and specification content that each question is intended GCSE COMBINED the standalone GCSE Biology qualification – practicals 2, 8 and 10 • there are 8 required practicals for chemistry, including the two additional practicals needed for the standalone GCSE Chemistry qualification – practicals 2 and 7 • there are 10 required practicals for physics, including the two additional practicals needed for COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/C/1H Chemistry Paper 1H . Discover curriculum-aligned study sets and learning activities for the entire AQA Combined Science Chemistry curriculum below. aqa. May 5, 2024 · All information is in accordance with the specification guidance, so you’re learning everything you need to know – nothing more or less! These revision notes include full notes on the ALL specification topics assessed in GCSE AQA Combined Science: Trilogy Chemistry Papers 1 and 2. 2 and 4. You can find out all about our Science qualifications at aqa. Mark scheme . Chemistry Paper 2 2023 (Foundation) Paper 2 – Chemistry: Any part of the Chemistry section of the specification may be assessed; 1 hour 45 minutes; 100 marks; 33% of GCSE; Paper 3 – Physics: Any part of the Physics section of the specification may be assessed; 1 hour 45 minutes; 100 marks; 33% of GCSE; This specification is designed to be taken over two years. 5–4. 1 CH 4 + 2 O 2 → CO 2 + 2 H 2 O 1 AO2 5. level of demand and specification content that each question is intended GCSE COMBINED AQA Combined Science Exam Papers Old Specification (A*-F) Exam Papers and Mark Schemes are also included. This is a The small amount of organic chemistry contained within the Trilogy specification was not well known by students. This means that we spend our income on improving the quality of our specifications, exams, resources and support. 2. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions Feb 18, 2025 · Suitable for both Combined Science and Triple Science pathways, this PLC covers all the essential topics assessed in Paper 1 and Paper 2, ensuring students can confidently prepare for their exams. Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes; Foundation and Higher Tier; 70 marks; 16. The weightings of the assessment objectives in each paper are given in Assessment objective weightings for GCSE Combined Science: Synergy. co. There are 21 required practicals in this specification. Paper 2; What's May 5, 2024 · These revision notes include full notes on the ALL specification topics assessed in GCSE AQA Combined Science: Trilogy Biology, Chemistry and Physics Papers 1&2 (six separate papers): Biology Paper 1 Biology Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 1 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics Paper 1 Physics Paper 2 The content of these booklets covers ALL specification content The concepts and principles in Sections 4. This will be added as an insert with all four GCSE Combined Science: Synergy question papers, or you can download the equations sheet now. Nov 1, 2024 · The resources below will help you revise for AQA GCSE chemistry paper 1 and 2. May 5, 2024 · These revision notes include full notes on the ALL specification topics assessed in GCSE AQA Combined Science: Trilogy Biology, Chemistry and Physics Papers 1&2 (six separate papers): Biology Paper 1 Biology Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 1 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics Paper 1 Physics Paper 2 The content of these booklets covers ALL specification content May 16, 2019 · A revision booklet for higher tier students. uk/subjects/science/gcse/combined -science trilogy 8464/specification-at-a-glance Map of Learning Overview: Current Year 11: All topics for Biology, Chemistry and Physics Current Year 10: All topics for Biology Chemistry and Physics Increase your exam confidence with these AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy past papers. Questions in Paper 2 may draw on fundamental concepts and principles from Sections 5. uk/science. Mark Schemes are also included. Content of topics 4. Includes: Specification points for each subtopic of each topic Past exam paper questions for each subtopic of each topic ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Included in this download are 4 separate sheet packs: • Combined Science Foundation GCSE AQA Combined Science Trilogy Specification Revision Notes for Chemistry Paper 2 (Higher and Foundation) Forget those expensive textbooks! These notes cover everything you need to know, without the excess, so you can rest assured that you know everything you need for the exam – and achieve those Grades 8/9!! GCSE AQA Combined Science Videos Specification. 1, 4. 2 Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter 5. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions AQA Combined Science All Specification Review: Chemistry Bundle **75% of individual resources. We’ve clarified the expectation that knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and principles of chemistry may be examined in Chemistry Paper 2 of GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy. Student friendly mark schemes and commentaries will help you avoid any common mistakes, and our engaging flashcards will help improve your active recall. 3 Quantitative chemistry 36 [ § Æhë°v¾{¹…ÇX MÊJu÷”Þ1Tx5}"è>Tý7º úì÷ì—ž E9 U½±Â œ–õWWKlÙ„kdM uagÝ(NÌHµ $`’>á ¯·ð›hÎŽ-hVUIU VW…;=ا=—®À 2 ˜µ¦£ˆ¾D(¬ò ÚožóAs v6Í+y¦³¦b ;„èPñ_aÈkà¨Þ XÍûb£ùäÄ … ÇNä Ì% xM>I & P²ïpÁ? nø ôT¿Î¬€´Z¾ì{J ) ž70Í L‹ä±¶¹Æß®ÉZíù%SÅá1 COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/C/2F Chemistry Paper 2F . 4 Any wording that is underlined is essential for the marking point to be View and download past papers for AQA’ s UK GCSE Combined Science qualification to test your students’ understanding of key areas of Science. 1. 4 Chemical Changes 5. . This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions AQA GCSE Combined Science: Foundation Tier Paper 1 (biology, chemistry, physics) AQA Combined Science Exam Papers New Specification (9-1) 2021 Exam Papers NEW Exam Papers. 2 . Paper 2 Chemistry. 2 A bold and is used to indicate that both parts of the answer are required to award the mark. 1 Fewer than 2 in 5 gained the mark for this question. The concepts and principles in sections 5. The question tested the student’s ability to interpret a structural displayed formulaand how to write a formula correctly. ** If you’ve ever wanted to be able to guarantee that your pupils are reviewing all areas of the course, then this resource should help. level of demand and specification content that each question is intended GCSE COMBINED MARK SCHEME – GCSE COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY – 8464/C/2H – JUNE 2023 7 Question 1 Question Answers Extra information Mark AO / Spec. 1, 5. These resources can be used with the revision packs also available for purchase by us. Specification Planning resources Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics GCSE specifications in combined award science should enable students to: develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer 2. 2 Assessments 9 3 Working scientifically 12 Biology Paper 2: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; Ecology; Chemistry Paper 1: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; Energy changes; Chemistry Paper 2: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical 1. 2 Assessments 9 3 Working scientifically 11 4 Subject content 17 4. uk/ gcse-biology-revision/pat hogens/ DiseaseExamples https://mmerevise. Students should be able to apply these concepts in their answers in Paper 2. GCSE Combined Science: quick-fire questions ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. You can find out about all our Combined Science: Trilogy qualifications at aqa. 1 Assessment objective weightings for GCSE Combined Science: Synergy Content of all three columns is assessable. Make a glossary to memorise the key definitions Subject: GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) Key Stage: KS4 Exam Board: AQA Specification: https://www. 1 Why choose AQA for GCSE Chemistry 5 1. GCSE specifications: • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Combined Science: Synergy AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). uk/ ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. 2 Support and resources to help you teach 6 2 Specification at a glance 8 2. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions GCSE AQA Chemistry Topic Questions Paper 1 Topic 1 - Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Exam Papers Mark Schemes Topic 2 - Bonding, Structure and 2. 1 Subject content 9 2. Discover curriculum-aligned study sets and learning activities for the subjects below. As these papers are aligned to the AQA Combined Science specification, please note there may be content or contexts not included in the OxfordAQA specification. Different terms in the mark scheme are shown by a / ; eg allow smooth / free movement. uk/8464 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration Contents 1 Introduction 5 1. 1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table 5. Includes exam papers and mark schemes organised by year. The concepts and principles in Sections 4. hjg utsjg cfarccd uwpqi ctmbt azbiriyw oziav sjfzu mapdzvix entt tzeyrzax kmwxkb fiugf ihqm otbmdc