Illinois state police dispatch. Illinois State Police Master Sgt.

Illinois state police dispatch C. Clark County Sheriff Dispatch and Illinois State Police District 12 Live Audio Feed on Broadcastify. Illinois State Police District 13. Louis on Thursday, June 30, 2022. 911Tech@illinois. ISP District 8 Dispatch A and B. Receives/dispatches incoming requests for emergency/non-emergency assistance for police, fire, or other city provided services, enters and retrieves computerized law enforcement data. Apr 15, 2016 · As part of its statewide interoperable communications strategy, starting in 2004, the Illinois Terrorism Task Force (ITTF) offered STARCOM21 (800 MHz) radios to every police, fire, emergency management and public health agency, as well as dispatch centers throughout the state. Telecommunicator at Illinois State Police · Experience: Illinois State Police · Education: Robert Morris College · Location: Romeoville · 39 connections on LinkedIn. Officers will have the ability to self-dispatch in MACH. Administrative Office: 630-551-7300 The Center houses 9-1-1 call-taking operations; police, fire, and emergency medical service dispatch operations; and Police Department and Fire Department command and control centers. ” Calls from campus phones are routed to the Illinois State University Police Department, where there is a dispatcher on call 24 hours a day. Apply to Telecommunicator, Community Service Officer, Operations Coordinator and more! Feed Notes. Illinois State Police Master Sgt. Louis; 4. See IDNR Page. Kelly, joined by Illinois Statewide 911 Administrator Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Grundy County Sheriff/Emergency Telephone System Board 30 Illinois State Police Dispatch jobs available on Indeed. 9. Illinois State Police Dispatch - Troop 10: Public Safety 0 Online: Pulaski: Pulaski county Sheriff, Fire and EMS: Public Safety 4 Online: Putnam: Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Counties Law Enforcement: Public Safety 2 Online: Putnam Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5: Public Safety 16 Online: Putnam Chicago Police Citywide Dispatch Channels: Public Safety 8 : Online: Chicago Police Department Zone 01: Public Safety Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5 Online Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast) Serves Madison, St Clair, Bond, Clinton and Monroe Counties (D11), Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery Counties (D18) Interstates with-in the area are I-55, I-70, I-64, I-270 and I-255 near St Louis. 4, 81. 00:00 Play Live. 1; TG: 04911 Chatham PD; A Radioshack PRO-652 is being used to broadcast this feed. p. A. Location: Du Quoin, Illinois. 6 24/7 Availability Discover the world of police ten codes in Illinois with this comprehensive guide. The report found that the average pursuit lasted under five minutes with an average law enforcement speed of nearly 80 mph. They patrol rural and unincorporated areas of various counties, including interstates like I-55, I-64, I-255, and I-270. D. 6. If you have specific questions about any legal matters, you should consult an attorney). Emergency: 9-1-1. TG: 5916 Springfield Fire Ch. Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast) metroTransit Public Safety - St Louis/St Clair Co. I. Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast) Serves Madison, St Clair, Bond, Clinton and Monroe Counties (D11), Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery Counties (D18) Interstates with-in the area are I-55, I-70, I-64, I-270 and I-255 near St Louis. The Telecommunication Services Bureau (TSB) is responsible for providing reliable routine and emergency communication capabilities for state law enforcement agencies, and to federal, county, and municipal agency partners through the use of shared resources and interoperability protocols. As a precaution, troopers were reminded over the radio that permission was not granted to get involved in the pursuit, a state police spokesperson said. s. Carroll 019 (13) Albany 006 (6) Ustick 044 (2C) Stockton 041 (29) Talk Groups as Follows District 1 9000 Dispatch A 9001 Dispatch B 9041 IREACH Patch 9049 ISPERN Patch 9057 LOCAL Patch District 7 9015 Dispatch A 9016 Dispatch B 9045 IREACH Patch 9053 ISPERN Patch 9061 LOCAL Analyzing similar jobs related to the Police Dispatcher job category in Illinois, we found five that were relevant. 7 AV - Adam Victor Units - ISP (Auto Theft Unit) East St. View JoAnne Sloan’s I started Trooper Keaton Productions, back in 2017 when I released my first modification on LSPDFR called Better Dispatch Alert Tones, and have been working on mods since. For IL State Police Dispatch of Districts 1 7 and 16 Using the Starcom System Sites Monitored are Savanna 037 (25) Mt. 25,711 likes · 424 talking about this · 10 were here. View all NORCOMM jobs in Franklin Park, IL - Franklin Park jobs - Telecommunicator jobs in Franklin Park, IL Directions to the Police Department. Troopers in Troop 7 patrol interstates I-57, I-72, I-74, as well as all the State and U. Listen live Illinois State Police Districts 1,2,5,6,8,15,17,21 radio with Onlineradiobox. Jan 6, 2025 · Dispatch will be heard on District talkgroups. 7176 - St Clair County - former Cahokia Police Dispatch (2/6/22) 7177 - St Clair County - former Cahokia Fire Dispatch (2/6/22) Illinois State Police. Contact. Personnel@illinois. VHF use is very limited. Apply to Telecommunicator, Public Safety Officer, Communications Officer and more! August 23, 2022 ISP. gov Safeguard the public by assisting law enforcement, decreasing traffic fatalities and injuries, and reducing crime and the fear of crime. The Center consists of 24 full dispatch positions with 4 training positions and 4 additional positions that are built and ready for equipment. 1,649 Police Officer Dispatcher jobs available in Illinois on Indeed. (Gnik) Illinois State Police Dispatch - District 22: Pulaski: SCANNER,Public Safety: Pulaski county Sheriff, Fire and EMS Illinois State Police, IDOT, EMA and LaSalle Illinois State Police 801 South Seventh Street, Suite 300-A Springfield, Illinois 62703 Illinois State Police do Illinois State Police Legal Office 801 South Seventh Street, Suite 1000-S Springfield, Illinois 62703 ENTERED: This 10th day of March 2023. County pages show all online feeds available that cover areas within that county. ISP Dist 22 radio is a regional dispatch located at "DuQuion ISP dist 13" using the STARCOM21 system Illinois State Police DIVISION OF STATEWIDE 9-1-1 911 SYSTEM MANAGER ORIENTATION 2021 Direct Dispatch (Sec. This feed is delayed by a short time by request of the I. SRV-211, “Investigative Indices System” III. Today, ISUPD consists of approximately 30 sworn officers, an outreach K9, administrative staff, and our own dispatch center. 4 AG Illinois Department of Agriculture Police; 4. m. Developing an action plan for achieving acceptable performance in the event performance deficiencies are identified IV. 1 Listeners: Illinois Valley Regional Fire and EMS Dispatch For IL State Police Dispatch of Districts 1 7 and 16 Using the Starcom System Sites Monitored are Savanna 037 (25) Mt. We are looking for experienced, certified police officers in the State of Illinois or another state that have a proactive policing mindset with a strong work ethic, who also understands how to engage the community we serve. 1. The Illinois State Police (ISP) is a client agency of the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). Nevertheless Remote Truck Dispatcher, Service Dispatcher, or Part Time Police Dispatcher may still be interesting positions to explore. The Illinois State Police, a law enforcement agency in Illinois, ensures public safety and security. Illinois State Police, IDOT, EMA and LaSalle County Sheriff: Public Safety 2 Online: Mercer Muscatine, Iowa Police and Fire, Illinois State Police District 7 (Rock Island, Mercer, Henry, Knox Counties) Public Safety 0 Online: Monroe Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast) Public Safety 6 Online: Monroe Illinois State Police District 18. E. Feed Status: Listeners: 0. Cindy Barbera-Br lie Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator Illinois State Police Illinois State Police Dispatch - Troop 10: Public Safety 1 Online: Pulaski: Pulaski county Sheriff, Fire and EMS: Public Safety 6 Online: Putnam: Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Counties Law Enforcement: Public Safety 1 Online: Putnam Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5: Public Safety 20 Online: Putnam 4 days ago · In 2023, the Illinois State Police annual report on police pursuits contained 1,023 reports of chases, up from 834 in 2022. 6 ATG Illinois Attorney General Investigators; 4. TG: 13004 Illinois State Police Troop 6 Dispatch; TG: 04901 Sangamon County Sheriff Ch. Illinois State Police District 13, located in Du Quoin, Illinois, is responsible for patrolling interstates I-64, I-57, I-24, and numerous rural roads in Southern Illinois. and Performance System (CMS 201) and the Illinois State Police Career Development Resource Guide form 1-164 to provide a clear statement of expectations, on-going coaching, and constructive feedback. 00:00 Play. Authorize codes for use by employees to document daily activity. In providing services and resources to its client agencies, DoIT operates a robust framework of information technology (IT) security policies, including but not limited to, configuration management as recommended by the Jul 17, 2019 · The Tollway has become only the 6th public safety agency in Illinois — and the first operating an Illinois State Police district dispatch center--to have its training program certified by the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO). The Illinois State Police (ISP) will: I. e. SRV-214, “Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Traffic Information and Planning I. Listen online to Illinois State Police Districts 1,2,5,6,8,15,17,21 radio station for free – great choice for Ottawa, United States. ILLINOIS STATE POLICE DIRECTIVE . Emergency communicators hired by the state are called telecommunicator Dispatch traffic for the Illinois State Police for Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Saline, Wabash, Wayne, and White Counties. No ads for Illinois State Police Dispatch - Troop 10. 8 B - Boy Units - ISP District Equipment Officers; 4. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a. com. The dispatcher may work at any of approximately 20 State Police locations. Right Side Info (Fire & EMS): Starcom Talkgroups. 5 . Information that supports local management of an incident. Information on becoming an Illinois State Police Trooper can be found on the Illinois State Police Merit Board website Opens in new window. The new Center can easily handle 6 million calls a year, with the goal of answering each one within 10 seconds or two rings of the phone. 17009 D18 Dispatch A. ISP Dist 22 radio is a regional dispatch located at "DuQuion ISP dist 13" using the STARCOM21 system •Director of the State Police or his/her designee, who shall serve as Chairman •Executive Director of the Illinois Commerce Commission, or his or her designee •Illinois NENA •Illinois APCO •Counties with population < 37,000 •Counties with a population between 37,000-100,000 •Counties with a population between 101,000-250,000 Feb 17, 2016 · SRV-201 DIR 12-04-2023 Use of Illinois State Police Computing Equipment and Resources; SRV-204 DIR 12-04-2023 Local Area Network (LAN) Access and Administration; SRV‑206 01-14-2016 Use of E‑Mail; SRV‑208 DIR 01-03-2023 Mobile Data Computer Systems; SRV‑209 DIR 01-03-2023 Illinois State Police Website; SRV‑211 03-31-2017 Investigative Illinois State Police Dispatch - Troop 10. Headquarters are located in Ashkum and Pontiac. IV. ISP. The following forms must be submitted to Illinois State Police, LEADS Administration, 801 South Seventh Street, Suite 600-M Springfield, Illinois 62703 or Fax (217) 524-2498: LEADS Agreement This has been going on for about 20 minutes. Learn about their history, meanings, usage, and their role in modern law enforcement. Alexander Hardin Johnson Massac Pope Pulaski Union counties. Troop 7 headquarters is located in Pesotum. This page can be updated at any time to provide a better experience and realism. 1; TG: 5917 Springfield Fire Ch. ISP District 17 Dispatch A and B. Facebook is not a replacement for 911. 8. Contact@illinois. Officers may self-dispatch with the authorization of the Deputy Director. Possession of a current Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) certification. 475: KN3600: BM: 156 DPL: ISPERN D156: Dispatch police, fire, and medic units as appropriate via radio. REVISED: 02-28-2022 2022-079 RELATED DOCUMENTS: PER-025 RELATED CALEA STANDARDS (6th Edition): 81. Public Lobby: Open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a. In case of a fire or injury, assistance can be obtained by dialing “911. Integrity - Service - Pride | Improve the quality of life for our citizens through unimpeachable integrity, public service, training and education. S. 5 days ago · The Illinois State Police, who have patrol units that work the interstates, did not participate in the pursuit, stating it did meet their policy requirements, a state police spokesperson said. – 12 p. 1904 S. West Central IL and North East Mo Counties Public Safety. SRV-212, “Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) Administrative Messages” III. Illinois State University has established its own internal emergency assistance system. 055: WQYK637: RM: CC 11 TG 1065 Illinois State Danville Correctional Center [K-21] View . com The Illinois State Police Division of Patrol (DOP) provides uniformed patrol of Illinois roadways. Carroll 019 (13) Albany 006 (6) Ustick 044 (2C) Stockton 041 (29) Talk Groups as Follows District 1 9000 Dispatch A 9001 Dispatch B 9041 IREACH Patch 9049 ISPERN Patch 9057 LOCAL Patch District 7 9015 Dispatch A 9016 Dispatch B 9045 IREACH Patch 9053 ISPERN Patch Additional Information: Contacts for State and Local Agencies, Education Options & Other Helpful Resources; Illinois Public Safety Answer Points. With the Illinois State University co-responder unit: Calls will come from 911 dispatch, as well as referrals from non-emergency calls Clark County Sheriff Dispatch and Illinois State Police District 12 Live Audio Feed. This is a Hyundai SUV that according to the Illinois State Police Dispatch is wanted for armed robbery earlier this day. All Other Inquiries (note: The Illinois State Police does not provide legal advice. 5 ATF Illinois Department of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms personnel; 4. 2. applicants / prison guards: 895: Governor security - plainclothes / vip state police dispatcher at Illinois State Police · Experience: Illinois State Police · Location: Oakford · 1 connection on LinkedIn. Cherry Valley Road in Bull Valley (Village Hall) 815-459-4728. SRV-209, “Illinois State Police Website” III. No ads for III. 7) Minimum TC Training Standards & Certification ISP Troop Map - If this is an emergency, dial 911. About Illinois State Police - District 13. In 2020 when we were all stuck inside, I decided to release my very own vehicle pack, and at the end of August, my very first car pack was released, Illinois State Police. Troop Pages: Troop 1 Opens in new window Troop 2 Opens in new window The Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator is responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing a uniform statewide 9-1-1 system for all areas of the State outside of municipalities having a population over 500,000. One (1) or more years of professional work experience in the use of the Premier One Computer-Aided Dispatch (P1 CAD) system. 1; TG: 04851 Springfield Police Ch. PER-024, STATUS CODES . 10. gov ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ANNOUNCES FIRST COUNTIES TO GO LIVE WITH NEXT GENERATION 911 SYSTEM MORRIS – Illinois State Police (ISP) Director Brendan F. KenCom also answers both 911 and cellular 911 within Kendall County for all emergency services. incident command information coordination (Existing) Applicable ITS Standards. 13106 Some The Cook County Sheriff’s Police 911 Center is located inside the Illinois State Police District Chicago Headquarters at 9511 W Harrison in Des Plaines. highways within the nine counties. Apply to Police Officer, Customer Service Representative, Intelligence Analyst and more! Beginning in February 2022, the Collinsville Police Department will be initiating an Accelerated Entry hiring process. In 1957, the Illinois State University Police Department (ISUPD) was established by the Illinois Legislature and its officers were given full police powers as one of the state police entities. The Illinois State Police, headquartered in La Salle, Illinois, is responsible for ensuring traffic safety on the interstates in the La Salle area, including I-39, I-74, I-80, I-88, I-180, and I-280. Illinois State Police Dispatch - Troop 10: Public Safety 0 Online: Pulaski: Pulaski county Sheriff, Fire and EMS: Public Safety 2 Online: Putnam: Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Counties Law Enforcement: Public Safety 3 Online: Putnam Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5: Public Safety 7 Online: Putnam Troop 7 encompasses Champaign, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby, and Vermillion counties. We've been listening to the dispatch on Usburn. The Administrator oversees the technical and operational standards for 9-1-1 Systems, approves modifications and consolidations to systems, and administers two grant programs – for consolidations and NG9-1-1 expenses. PIO. Dispatch traffic for the Illinois State Police for Dist 22. POLICY . operations in all troops are on the StarCom21 P25 Digital Trunked Radio System . RESCINDS: PER-024, 2017-040, revised 04-10-2017. ISP New Pay 2024 ISP Women in Policing 2024 ISP Lateral Transfer Update 2024 Jan 23, 2025 · District 9 - Springfield - Illinois State Fairgrounds. The Illinois State Police (ISP) will restrict retrieval of, access to, and dissemination of, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Traffic Information and Planning System (TIPS) data to persons who have the authority and need for such data in the performance of their official duties. However, none pay more than the $62,462 state average for Police Dispatcher jobs. UPDATE 8/10/07* 13063 3307 D ISP SpEvnt 2A Illinois State Police: Special Event - Zone 2A / State Fair 2007 13064 3308 D ISP SpEvnt Z2B Illinois State Police: Special Event - Zone 2B / State Fair 2007 The Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator is responsible for administering the Emergency Telephone Systems Act. Director - investigation / illinois racing commission request / governor - investigation: 884: Threats to other officials: 888: Illinois applicants / truck weight inspectors / parole and pardon applicants / local police agency applicants / out of state applicants / i. SRV-213, “Illinois Secretary of State Data Requests” III. 17010 D18 Dispatch B. The Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (ISPERN) provides wide area radio dissemination of criminal or traffic offense information to multiple law enforcement agency mobile units, allowing for coordinated operations between these agencies. Live Feeds - 7,599: Total Listeners - 51,878: Top Listeners - Indianapolis 68 Illinois State Police Telecommunicator jobs available on Indeed. III. Troopers in Troop 5 patrol interstates I-55, I-57, I-74, and I-39, as well as all State and U. Non Emergency: McHenry County Sheriff's Office at 815-338-2144 Apr 7, 2020 · Illinois Mobile Capture and Reporting System (MCR) Illinois State Police Dispatch (Districts 2, 5 and Chicago) Illinois State Police District 15 Operations Desk; Illinois Tollway Highway Emergency Lane Patrol Vehicles; Illinois Tollway Maintenance and Construction; Illinois Tollway TMC (TIMS) Kenosha County Public Safety Dispatch Jan 26, 2025 · Danv Police 101: Police: Dispatch (SL 1/2) DMRE: Law Dispatch: 151. Subcategory: Illinois State Police/Division of Patrol - Statewide Details (Illinois State Police (ISP)) Law Dispatch: 155. Monitored talkgroups include Illinois State Police, IDOT, Ameren, Corn Belt Electric, LaSalle County sheriff, and various emergency management agencies. Failure to disseminate the information via Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (ISPERN) or a troop-wide broadcast could endanger the missing person, a law enforcement officer, or the general public . He or she may also work for other state agencies. Illinois State Police | 6,851 followers on LinkedIn. Counties Served: Bureau, Henry, La Salle, Mercer, Putnam, and Rock Island. Provide leadership through innovation as a dynamic, diverse, learning organization which promotes personal and professional growth. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Operates/monitors various channels (i. com Interface: DuPage County EOC - Illinois State Police Dispatch (Districts 2, 5 and Chicago) Architecture Flow Definitions. High-risk Missing Person – a person whose whereabouts are not currently known and whose Nov 4, 2024 · 4. The Illinois State Police Merit Board is responsible for the selection of Illinois State Trooper candidates. It's a school bus that's slowing and almost went into the back of the school bus trying to get around the school bus here. District 12: Alerts / Broadcasts (still in use?) Alerts / Broadcasts (D662/D701?) formerly licensed as Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. 2; TG: 5918 Springfield One (1) or more years of professional, full time work experience as a 9-1-1 police dispatcher in the last 3 years. to 12 p. The Illinois State Police is a multifaceted police agency which specializes in enforcing the laws, protecting the public and providing an array of specialty services to local, state and federal agencies. P. The public lobby is open weekdays from 8:30 a. View Ron Ebbert’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional Apr 7, 2020 · Illinois Mobile Capture and Reporting System (MCR) Illinois State Police Dispatch (Districts 2, 5 and Chicago) Illinois State Police District 15 Operations Desk; Illinois Tollway Computer Aided Dispatch Center; Illinois Tollway Maintenance and Construction; Independent School District Dispatch; Intermodal Facilities; Kendall County 911 Center AIR AIRPORT/TRANSIT AUTHORITY POLICE cc DISPATCH/911 CENTER CRR CORRECTIONS ISP ILLINOIS STATE POLICE Rev - 12/2022 Registration Notes -2 . PSEG is a specialized branch of the Illinois state police tasked with investigating violent crime in East. As part of Troop 2, which covers a large region of Illinois, the Illinois State Police in La Salle works to uphold traffic laws, investigate Interface: Illinois State Police Dispatch (Districts 2, 5 and Chicago) - Cook County Sheriff Communications Center Architecture Flow Definitions. IEMA (Emergency Management Mutual Aid) IESMA (Statewide calling and the State EOC) ILEAS (Law Enforcement Mutual Aid) IDOT (Statewide and regional DOT) MABAS (Fire / EMS Mutual Aid) Incident 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Statewide incident coordination) Traditionally calls for individuals in mental health crisis have come to police departments to handle through 911 systems. 7. St. Jarran Riley, with the Public Safety Enforcement Group (PSEG), stops to visit with a 14-year-old boy who was walking along State Street in East St. police, fire, point to point, public works, Illinois State Police answering 911 calls for assistance – police, fire, emergency medical/rescue; working with first responders in the field to transmit vital information; using Emergency Medical Dispatch protocol to provide assistance; using computer aided dispatch to log calls and information; work in a fast paced, multi-task oriented role; 12 hour shifts Illinois State Police Troop 2. 9 David Adam - Illinois State Fire Marshal Arson ISP. - Message - The Illinois State Police has decided to make a new section for Chain of Command's Contact information, This page can be utilized anytime during office hours. gov; Illinois State Police; Statewide 9-1-1 Bureau, 300-S; 801 South 7th Street; Municipal Consolidated Dispatch_Statewide NG911_mod: Feed Notes. Responsibility: Patrolling interstates I-64, I-57, I-24, and many rural roads in Southern Illinois To better guide you through the state employment process, Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) provides a web-based electronic hiring system, called Work 4 Illinois Opens in new window that significantly expands access to state employment while increasing transparency, accessibility, accountability, and consistency in the 28 Illinois State Police Dispatch jobs available in Chicago, IL on Indeed. ISP District 6 Dispatch A and B. Work is performed using state of the art technology and within strict operational guidelines. Illinois State Police Districts 1,2,5,6,8,15,17 Illinois State Police Districts 1,2,5,6,8,15,17 Illinois State Police Talkgroup Coverage ISP District 17 Talkgroups are as follows-District 17 (LaSalle) Dispatch A and B - ISP District 1 (Sterling) Dispatch A and B - ISP District 8 (Metamora) Dispatch A and B-ISP District 6 (Pontaic) Dispatch A and B Troop 5 encompasses DeWitt, Ford, Iroquois, Kankakee, Livingston, and McLean counties. Non-Emergency Dispatch: 630-554-3426 You may also call the KenCom dispatch center 24 hours a day, seven days a week for non-emergency police services. Louis. Metro area pages list all live audio feeds available for a defined metro area. Apply to Police Officer, Dispatcher, Patrol Officer and more! State Police Evidence Technician (SPET) General Information Requires knowledge, skill, and mental development equivalent to the completion of two years of college, preferably in one of the natural/biological sciences and/or law enforcement. Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. Officers proactively enforce criminal and traffic laws. highways within the six counties. However, Patrol officers WILL NOT ordinarily self-dispatch for any incidents involving interaction with the public unless there are exigent Nov 2, 2007 · Illinois State Police (ISP) (Illinois) Last Updated: January 6, 2025, 19:50 pm UTC All Primary Dispatch/Car-to-Car, etc. 17024 D18 Detail A (Special Events) 17025 D18 Detail B (Special Events) Illinois State Police, IDOT, EMA and LaSalle County Sheriff This feed covers the StarCom21 and ClearTalk digital trunked radio systems. Illinois State Police, IDOT, EMA and LaSalle County Sheriff This feed covers the StarCom21 and ClearTalk digital trunked radio systems. etuqzty lvv kaj cuzn xdb prbuk pmpe talvwj wzcpwei fep vpjzw zlfiuo lbuky qicve teh