-Yagi has a boom of two pieces, therefore no part is longer than 1m. -DK7ZB-Yagis for the contest-station DD2D. Jul 17, 2021 · Martin Steyer (DK7ZB) präsentiert in seinem Vortrag die Leichtbau Yagis. I went for the 8mm elements to make it nice and light. -Yagi with 1m Boom. We drill as shown in the photo to connect our cable – and connect the feed line to the terminals. Broadband Design: The SWR with . This Yagi was developed with EZNEC +5 and has only one feeding point of 50 Ω and a boomlength of 1,25 m. Match with 2xLambda/4 50-Ohm-coax in Yagi with 5 Elements on 2 m, 8 Elements on 70cm and one Feedpoint. (Steyer nd) describes the DK7ZB balun / match for VHF and UHF Yagis. com in just one category. Sep 22, 2019 · Building a DK7ZB match for the Yagi Test Setup. Alex, IV3KKW This Yagi was developed and tested on 144 MHz and then scaled to the 50-MHz-Band Details. Fine-tuning by shifting the 12mm-parts. Jun 1, 2024 · World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. MARTIN STEYER – DK7ZB Auf dem 2-m-Band gehört die HB9CV schon seit langem zu den beliebten Selbstbauantennen, auf Kurzwelle konnte sich der sehr empfehlenswerte Beam nicht so recht durchsetzen. -Cross-Yagi (28 Ohm, 2. This matching system is pretty simple to build. Mar 28, 2014 · 28 Marzo 2014 ore 21z buona propagazione verso Isola di St. The elements for 10 m are tapered with 20/16-mm-tubes, the elements for 6 m are made with 12 mm tubes. best Stacking distance 3,20m . Presented gain for both antennas is exactly the same at 14. The HB9CV-Beam is a 2-Element-Yagi with two driven elements and was introduced by Rudolf Baumgartner, HB9CV in the 1950ies. DK7ZB 8 ele. The distance between the two elements is 1/8-Lambda (45°), with the two crossed phase Yagi with 5 Elements on 2 m, 8 Elements on 70cm and one Feedpoint. It has 2 elements on 6 m and 4 m and 3 elements on 2 m. The 50-MHz-Quadlong has a little bit reduced gain of 6,4 dBd and was designed for a better F/B of 21 dB. Element-Nr. The series quarter wave transformer is not novel, and the balun function performance is questionable. Homepage DK7ZB. The basic principle of the radiator element is the Lazy-H (Pic. You can also use the Yagi for terrestrial DX work with good success! Excellent gain, G/T and bandwidth. Route des Grand Alpes, France. 2686 mm. The reason is a little bit higher gain and an impedance of 110 Ohm. The web page explains the principle, the advantages and the practical examples of the DK7ZB-Match for VHF bands. To understand how the “DK7ZB-Match” works look at the left picture. But that does not alter the basic directions shown. 2674 mm. AC6LA MoxGen MoxGen will show you the dimensions and generate an antenna model file for a 50 ohm Moxon Rectangle antenna, given the design frequency Current Balun 1. VHF/UHF-Zigzag-Antennas. max. 2m boom. For 7-50 MHz 2 x 4 turns. Aufbau und Abgleich sind mit einfachen Mitteln möglich. The HB9CV-Beam is a 2-Element-Yagi with two driven elements and was introduced by Rudolf Baumgartner, HB9CV, in the 1950ies. A simple method for erecting the vertical part is the mounting of the wire on a fishing rod. Usually a groundplane antenna is fed with coaxial cable without any balancing. Mni tnx! The Moxon-Beam. He reports no tuning on 17M, resonance as expected. The Yagi is optimized for the CW/SSB-parts of the bands, but usuable for the full bands. The lengths are for 145 MHz and 435 MHz. In 2000 the Quad was optimized for 1-Lambda reflector loops with "EZNEC" by W7EL. org. This antenna has been developed with the program EZNEC 5 [3] and is well tested. On the website of DK7ZB multiple designs are provided, I created the following summary: DK7ZB antenna overview: - 5 elements, 2. The original EDP antenna was an end end-fed wire matched with a parallel LC-circuit ("Fuchs-Circuit") and a counterpoise wire. Picture: DF7DJ. The radiation resistance of each Yagi is 28Ohm, the DK7ZB-match is used for 50-Ohm-feeding. Theory of the DK7ZB-Quadlong-Antennas. Current distributions. These Yagi antennas for the 2m VHF band strike a balance between Nov 21, 2020 · Martin DK7ZB describes his design for a single feed dual band yagi with 4 elements on 2m and 5 elements on 70cms on a compact 1m long boom. An interesting phenomenon is the 3/2-lambda resonance of 2-m-elements on the 70-cm-band. 7-El. . The final construction of the 4-element Yagi antenna for 6 meters on a 2. He has an excellent report about building and measuring the X-mounted Cross-Yagi, use this link: PA3GUO. Fine tuned 8 ele. Used for random wires and. Commercial use of these designs only with the permission of the author! Assuming reasonable side lobes, F/R and good VSWR bandwidth, Gain is the most critical parameter on 6M. Gerade für Fig 1 – The G0KSC LFA 9 (red) and DK7ZB 9 (blue) azimuth plots overlaid . -Yagi for 50 MHz. So far it received 644 votes for a total score of 7. " Exactly this is the design principle of the DK7ZB-Yagis. At the end of the twinlead-feeder a The vertical DK7ZB-Duoband-Dipole for 2m/70cm. Baluns . Lucjan, SQ9VPA, has given me the space for a mirror site www. Learn how to build a simple and effective match for Yagi antennas with different radiation resistances using coaxial cables in parallel. The Beam is a coax-fed version of the ZL-Special. The Moxon-Beam was introduced by L. This trap handles 100 W RF, but better is a voltage of 2 - 2,5 KV for the capacitor. The given length of the radiator element is from tip to tip, including 10mm spacing for the Oct 3, 2010 · Συμβουλές και μυστικά για την κατασκευή κεραιών dk7zb NOTE: The dual-band beams for 2 meters and 70 cm designed by DK7ZB cover 144 to 146 MHz and 420 to 440 MHz, which is the entire band in Europe. Gain on 2 m is 2,6 dBd and on 70 cm is 4,6 dBd. Yagi-Antennen gehören zu den am weitest verbreitenden Antennentypen. 28 ohms. 10 M Moxon Antenna Plan A moxon antenna for 28 MHz. built-in ATUs in the Transceivers. I already have my element cutting jig ( see here) so cutting the elements was easy enough as usual. The DK7ZB match is simply a quarter wave series transformer (using two parallel coax lines to achieve a lower Zo) and a claimed balun function. Fig2 – G0KSC LFA 9 (red) and DK7ZB 9 (blue) Elevation plots overlaid. 2 m, 4 m and 6 m (DK7ZB) (6-m-Delta-Loop for 50 Ohm see down) The Delta-Loop has the parts B longer then A. Martin Steyer, DK7ZB dk7zb@fox28. Moxon (G6XN) in his book "HF Antennas for all Locations" (RSGB- Publications, Great Britain 1993). This makes it possible to feed a 12,5-Ω-Yagi with the very simple “DK7ZB-match”, which was introduced first in 1995 [1]. -DK7ZB-Yagi at 9Z4BM. org and www. de Nicht nur beim BBT, wo das Gewichtslimit kreative Lösungen verlangt, dürften die hier beschriebenen Yagis von Interesse sein. In this antenna a 3-element wire beam for the 6-meter band is nested. The spreader is a PVC-pipe with 25 mm diameter. Der Old Man vertraut heutzutage auf den Blindenstock, einen weiß gefärbter Stängel. In the USA they are suitable for use on SSB, CW, digital and satellite as a horizontally polarized antenna. This beam is a 2-Element-Yagi with radiator and reflector and reduced size to about 75% of a normal beam. 2. 40/30 MOXON A moxon antenna project for 40 and 30 meters. In the shack you should use such a balun for common wave suppression at the end of the antenna coax-cable near the Transceiver. 5-Element-50-Ohm-Yagi with 4,50-m-Boom. Das liegt wohl an der mechanisch etwas komplizierten Speisung, die potentielle Nachbauer abschreckt. Do you use 4 radials (normal GP) then is the current in About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Jun 2, 2023 · Create a model based on the original DK7ZB dimensions and calculate it to verify if the radiation pattern and input impedance correspond to the original antenna. The Yagis are designed for the SSB/CW- and EME-part of the band, a very good SWR can be expected between 144,0 and 144,6MHz. Figure 1 shows the Un-Un with 5 taps for different transmission ratios according to Table 1, installed in an IP45 installation box. Die HAM RADIO ist Europas größte Amateurfunkmesse. You can construct not only "open-sleeve"-radiators, it is possible to use "open-sleeve"-directors, too. The 50-MHz- DK7ZB- Quadlong. 3-El-18-Ohm-Yagi. Version 3: 144-144,8 MHz for EME/SSB/CW use. The elements are tapered with 3 different sizes of tubing and the boom is 40mm square and 5m long. The antenna has a medium bandwidth with an SWR <= 1,5 from 49,5-50,5 MHz. But that is not right, if you look for the currents in the diffent parts of the antenna. EAntenna offers high quality products including Yagi, log periodic, rotatable dipole and vertical antennas. This is based on random lengths of the antenna, which is transformed with the un-un into a medium-ohmic impedance range with reactive components. The Construction Principles for Duoband-Yagis 2 m/70 cm. Original "5-8" 50 ohms. 9 1/2 turns of 1,5-mm-CuL and 3x100 pF/500 V in series gives a renonant frequency of 28,4 MHz. and 2/3-Elements on 70cm and one Feedpoint. The developing of these elements are shown down. The result of 10 Minutes work with the 12-m-J-Pole, mounted on a fishing rod: J-Pole with 300-Ohm-Twinlead for 145MHz. LF+HF Projects, Mods, Fixes and Add-on's VHF+SHF. For two purposes a Cross-Yagi can be useful: Satellite work or if you need both vertical and horizontal polarization for terrestrial contacts. The most Yagis have an impedance of 50Ohms and are fed with a lambda/4-choke for 2m and a 3/4-lambda-choke for 70cm. Für QRP-Einsatz erfreut sich die Schaltung des "Z-Match" schon länger großer Beliebtheit, weil sie unkompliziert aufzubauen und leicht abzustimmen ist. Such a design has several interesting The first DK7ZB-Quad was introduced in 1995 and contented a mistake and had not the best performance. They can be used for alle modes (FM and SSB/CW). 4dBd. DK7ZB-Quadlongs. DK7ZB with Speedster-Turbo, 285 HP, 450nm, 900kg weight. 3900 km with a 12-El. de are bought by some strange speculator, therefore the sites www. f (Frequency) in Hertz, L (Inductance) in Henry, C (Capacity) in Farad. Mar 18, 2015 · DK7ZB 2m Yagi. vertically stacked, contest-group of DF0VK. This 7-Element-28-Ohm-DK7ZB-Yagi has the highest gain and best F/R for CW/SSB/EME-use between 144 and 144,6MHz. NOTE: The dual-band beams for 2 meters and 70 cm designed by DK7ZB cover 144 to 146 MHz and 420 to 440 MHz, which is the entire band in Europe. 54/10. DK7ZB-Duoband-Yagi for 10m and 6 m. The angle of the sloping part is here about 120°. Download EZNEC-Files for own calculating Download. Type 1: 3-El. This antenna (Version 1) was described in the issue 2/2000 of the magazine "FUNKAMATEUR" , report "Kurze Yagis f�r das 2m-Band in bew�hrter 28-Ohm-Technik". This can then, fed with coaxial cable, in many cases be Plus there are super specialized 2 meter or 70 cm Cross Polarized Yagis and the compact EAntenna 6 meter Moxon antenna that has only a 3 ft. Version 1: Ultralight with 3,2-mm-Elements. 6,00m. Doch auf den UKW-Bändern sind sie vom Aussterben bedroht. All that’s needed now is the feed-point arrangement and it’s ready for testing! Still, it looks great and is very rigid. Martin Steyer, DK7ZB, is the author of optimized yagi antennas. Balun 1:4 (For Folded Dipoles or Wireman-feeding) With 2 x 8 turns bifilar (PTFE-cable) this balun on a FT240-43 handles 1 KW. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. The description [1] was in the QST 1936. Lengths and Positions of the Elements, all 6mm Diameter. Now my best friend, an excellent watchdog for my house and my motorcaravan. The 6-Element-50-Ohm-Yagi. Wire antennas with an Un-Un-transformer 1: 9 have become more and more popular. Martin Steyer, Die Aue 2, D-37269 Eschwege-Germany. e-mail-adress: dk7zb (at)darc. Let us first take a look at fig1 which presents an over-lay of a G0KSC 9 element LFA and a DK7ZB 9 element split-dipole Yagi. This Yagi is available as a commercial version with a folded dipole by KONNI. For the calculating we need the Thomson-formula. Mar 12, 2020 · The drawback might be the open line that feeds the director but when using a autotuner and a 1:1 balun it could be easier to accomplish. To assemble it I decided I would 3D print not just The points X-X are 5-10% from the shorted part of the Wireman-cable (look for best SWR). In most cases the ATU will tune the antenna. 00 meter boom, 09. You can use the same chokes for 2m and 70cm! Jul 17, 2021 · Leichtbau Yagis - wie leicht darfs denn sein? Gerade für Portabelbetrieb ist die Leichtbauweise interessant. It is based on a shortened rotary dipole for the 10-meter band. A two-element Yagi with a director needs a spacing of 0,05-0,1 λ, the feedpoint impedance drops down to 10-25 Ω. Ultra low noise temperature, very good performance for that boomlength! Element-positions. Stacking and Splitters . Ein Speisepunkt, nur ein Koaxialkabel, und trotzdem mit ausreichendem Gewinn auf 2m und 70cm funken zu können ist eine Vorstellung, die vielen Portabel-Fans entgegenkommen dürfte. Low Noise Optimized Wideband-14-El. Gain 8,8 dBd, F/B 19 dB, Bandwidth for SWR <1,5 measured with 1 MHz. one or two 10th depending on the chosen segmentation density. The currents in the Yagi system on 50,150 MHz show the action of the open-sleeve radiator. The picture above shows the "new W3EDP antenna" which has an unsymmetrical wireman-feed ("Zepp") and a balun 1:4. Zudem kommt man mit zwei Abstimmelementen aus, was die Möglichkeit eröffnet, auch per Fernsteuerung einen abgesetzten Betrieb zu ermöglichen. net membership is required to view all callsign details. Nachteilig ist, daß in einer Quad klassischer Bauart der 28-MHz-Rahmen nur ein Viertel der effektiven Wirkfläche des 14-MHz-Rahmens darstellt. On both bands the SWR is good across the whole band. This link has been on our site since Tuesday Jan 22 2002, and it has been clicked on 19989 times. Symm. Gain 10 m = 4,0 dBd. The 2-m-J-Pole can be used on 70cm, too with an SWR <1,6. The example shows a toroidal trap. The picture shows the mounting of 8x5-El. If the frequencies are to close together the impedances will lead to a very bad SWR. Mar 15, 2024 · World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. & Baluns Symmetrising Devices from Sleeve Balun, F9FT Tube, EMI, G0KSC, Pawsey, 50 ohms Quarter Wave Line to 12. Gain 6,4 dBd, F/B 21 dB. If the feeding point is 10m above ground, we will get a slightly deformation of the elevation diagram. This dipole for 2m with an open-sleeve- element for 70 cm must be mounted in front of a mast. org and the e-mail adress . The HamCall database has been in production since 1989 and is still the largest callsign database in the world. 50/70-MHz-Verticals. Duo-/Triband-Yagis. The currents change and we have the highest current in the This current balun is an ideal solution for feeding antennas with a symmetrical 50-Ohm-impedance like beams or dipoles. df0vk. The basic series of its antennas is characterized by impedance 28 ohms, in which the yagi antennas have very good properties and easy adaptation. 48dBi. Triband-DK7ZB-VHF-Yagi for 6 m, 4 m and 2 m with one Feedpoint. 3970 mm. 50-Ω-Impedance, fed with a 50-Ω-coax-choke (look for the pictures). A dipole for 2m has a very interesting azimuth pattern on 70cm. You do not need any constructions with other feeding systems than a stetched dipole! To minimize possible statics solder a resistor of 47-100 KOhm, 2 Watt (metal-oxid) across the two 7-Element-Yagi for the 2m-Band with the 28-Ohm-DK7ZB-Match. Aber auch Aspekte der Windlast und vor allem die Jul 10, 2021 · Märchen und Fakten aus dem Antennenwald - unter diesem Titel steht der Vortrag von Martin Steyer, DK7ZB. 60 meter boom, 10. 2 dbd (this is the one I selected) Oct 27, 2015 · DK7ZB’s balun. 28 ohms OWM. For example a 15m-antenna, on the other bands the plot is the same. Inside the coax cable we have two currents I1 and I2 with the same amount but with a phase shift of 180°. May 5, 2015 · It is a DK7ZB 28Ω feed-point 4 element Yagi, with a forward gain of ~6. The scale is 1 The CE0Y-7-m-Triple-Leg by DK7ZB. The main advantage of a 2-Element- Quad is the great 3-dB-azimuth-angle. 2m/70cm-Yagis ultralight . de. The additional gain comes mainly from the reduced azimuth-angle and the antenna parameters become similar to a Yagi antenna. The ARRL-Antenna-Book says about the 2-Element-Yagi “The most bang for the buck”. with DK7ZB-Yagis. The beam has only one feedpoint with 50 Ohm and has an open-sleeve element for 12M. Weight 2,6 kg. 3-Element-12,5-Ohm-DK7ZB-Yagi with 1,90m-Boom. 2x8-Ele. 5-und 6-Element-Yagis für universellen Einsatz auf dem 2-m-Band. Theoretische Grundlagen für kurze Yagis Bekannt ist, daß ein Dipol im Freiraum je nach Schlankheitsgrad einen Strahlungswiderstand von ungefähr 70Ohm aufweist. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. info are now used for the webspace of DK7ZB. This Yagi is available as a commercial version with a folded dipole by KONNI . Yagis with bad profile have many sidelobes, poor F/R and not the best gain. The mast acts as a reflector. 110-Ohm-Delta-Loops for. The DK7ZB-Dualband-Moxon-Beam for 10 m and 6 m. This beam antenna is a coax-feeded version of the ZL-Special construction by DK7ZB for 2m, 6m and 10m. These Yagis cover the range of 144-146MHz on 2m and 430-440MHz on 70cm. Auf KW sind sie der Wunschtraum jedes "Antennengeschädigten". The 70-MHz-Quadlong see down. DK7ZB At the VHF-Convention in Weinheim 2005. Main category is Yagi that is about Yagi Antennas for ham radio use, manufacturers, plans and design. 9 dbd - 6 elements, 2. Fan-Dipoles for the Shortwave Bands (by DK7ZB) After a lot of experiments with fan-dipoles here some proven examples for such antennas. Now we add the 70-cm-open-sleeve-element to the 2-m-dipole. DK7ZB. High Gain, medium F/B and good bandwidth. In the case of this RG174-trap we come from 27,8 MHz to 29 MHz. Version 2: 144-145 MHz for SSB/CW use. -18-Ohm-DK7ZB-Yagi. Complete plans and drawings to build a small 3 elements Yagi antenna for six meter band Match with 2xlambda/4 75-Ohm-coax in parallel to a grounded socket, feedpoint impedance 50Ohm (DK7ZB-match) The element-current-profile at 50. Nov 14, 2020 · Check the dimensions again with your tape measure to make sure everything is correct. Un-Uns for Endfed-Antennas (EFHW) by DK7ZB. Die HAM RADIO ist Europas größte Amate MTFT-Un-Uns for Random Wires (all with FT240-43) Un-Un with a fixed ratio of 1:9 (principle of core transformer) For this Balun you will find a lot of examples for antennas in the web. Unfortunatly the company has shut down. 50-MHz-Yagis. 23-Aug-2009: The pages www. If telescopic elements are used instead of 12mm ones, it will be necessary to adjust the length of the elements using the “Edit → Taper wire set” option in MMANA. 60 m Boom) by Henk, PA3GUO. Einerseits fehlt es wohl am geeigneten Material, andererseits herrscht der Glaube vor, kommerzielle Antennen seien besser als selbstgebaute. Station DK7ZB. A vertical metallic support through the antenna system has no influence to the feedpoint impedance and the OK2IT - DK7ZB 25x25mm / 10mm Parasitic Elements h 25x25 - 10mm DK7ZB insulator for square boom / 10 17 "dk7zb" 3D Models. One feedpoint with 50 Ohm for both bands! This Minibeam has for 28 MHz 2/3 of the dimensions of a fullsize-beam and is an open-sleeve-fed 2-El. Construction by DK7ZB for 2m, 6m and 10m. For this project, I will be using RG-6 Quad shield. Click to find the best Results for dk7zb Models for your 3D Printer. Jan 5, 2023 · DK7ZB-Dualband-Beam 12/17 M. With this length a log-periodic would not give satisfying results on 50 MHz. This happens with the bands 10-12-15m or 15-17-20m. -2m-Yagis G/T-List of VE7BQH for 2m-Yagis max. It’s now time to connect our feed-line (coax). Gain 6,55 dBd. Sloping vertical Dipole. Stacked 7-El. The parts for a 4-El. Jul 10, 2021 · Martin Steyer (DK7ZB) zeigt in seinem Vortrag die Mythen und Fakten aus dem Antennenbereich. Another option would be connecting it to the ladder line of the inverted-V through a remote switch. The dip on 12M was a little bit to high and can be shifted with the 12-m-open-sleeve-radiator. Member of GDXF (25), UKSMG (1055), AGCW (3513) This homepage is dedicated to the homebrewing of equipment, especially for building HF- and VHF-Yagi-antennas. 12 m RG213: The construction principles of the Duoband-Yagis depends on the "open-sleeve"- elements. 0 dB = 0,85 dBd. com and www. With a Transmatch-Antenna-Tuner I feed a Wireman-cable for doublet antennas with very good Überarbeiteter, ergänzter Artikel aus dem Praxisheft 11 des Arbeitskreises Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule (AATIS) Viele Amateure scheuen sich davor, Richtantennen für UKW zu bauen. Vertical moxon for 14 Mhz A vertical Moxon with different feeding for the 20 meters. On the left is a screw and wing nut that is connected to ground. DK7ZB Yagi - Homepage. 144MHz-Yagis 144MHz-Yagis. The 2m long 6-Ele. For the complete 2m-data see the 5-Element-ultralight-Yagi. The WY-208 8-element VHF Yagi antenna by WiMo offers an enhanced forward/backward ratio and is ideal for azimuth/elevation systems like EME or meteorscatter due to its compact design with a maximum length of 380cm. 70-MHz-Yagis . dk7zb. here are 4 x 12 pF/500 V used. 2-m-TEP-QSO 9Z4BM - PY5HOT. The dip is very sharp, on 10 m we can locate the resonance with an accuracy of +/- 10 KHz! The picture below shows how I tuned a RG174-coax-cable-trap for a 10/15-m-Vertical on 28,300 MHz. G8VR a small Yagi for 50 MHz. (Steyer nd) does not provide any relevant measurement data to demonstrate balun effectiveness. Der Antennenexperte untersucht viele Behauptungen zu All Yagis have a stretched dipole (the lengths in the tables are from tip-to tip), for the details see. Several contest-crews are meanwhile operating with DK7ZB-Yagis stacked vertically. News. The 15-m-mast of DX-Wire. F/B 17,5 dBd. 4,00m. The specs are almost the same as any other 2 element 5 band quad. EAntenna offers a strong line of HF, VHF, and UHF antennas that were originally designed in Spain and are now manufactured by WiMo Antenna and Electronics, Germany’s largest supplier of amateur radio products. Transport length is 134 cm. -12,5-Ohm-EME-Yagi. Today we will construct a 2m dipole using the DK7ZB match. Link KONNI. -DK7ZB. Version 1: 144-146MHz broadband. Martin Steyer, DK7ZB Street address available to members 37269 Eschwege Germany Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. Basically, Two pieces of 75 ohm coax are cut to 1/4 wave length and connected between the antenna and the feed line. martin (at) dk7zb. -50-Ohm-Yagi with 7. Element 3 is the radiator of the system and must be constructed with two halves and an Apr 13, 2024 · World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. The 2-Element-Yagi with reflector has normally a 0,2- lambda -boom and an impedance of 50 W. The elements are made of 10x1 mm aluminium tubes. www. Boom 1,55 m. With two reflector elements the Hentenna can be changed from a bidirectional antenna to an interesting directional antenna. 144MHz-Longyagis (28Ohm) 144MHz-OWL/OWM/V-Yagis. Version 2: With 8- and 10-mm-Elements (see down), built by SQ9VPA. For better impedance matching a parallel capacitor 12 pF/1 KV for the coax input is recommended. For 1,8-50 MHz 2 x 5-6 turns. The scheme of the beam with the currents gestockten DK7ZB-Yagis, weltweit sind in vielen Ländern auf allen Kontinenten diese für den Selbstbau gut geeigneten Antennen im Einsatz. The pictures are screenshots of YO7. 2), a special form of a stacked array of two dipoles, which are fed with an open wire. Not all combinations are working properly. 5 and 28 ohms DK7ZB Match plus Test Equipment - the RF Current Meter; Phasing & Matching Lines How to measure coax stub lines, produce coaxial impedance transformation lines, Baluns and how to stack and match with coax lines Hence numbers given might vary by. 75m-Boom EAntenna Systems. The diagram of the elements. The resource is currently on dxzone. No. dx-wire. By changing the distance of the windings the frequency can be influencened. DF7ZS has made a funny Youtube-video about the mounting of the group. From various sources it is qouted that the DK7ZB antenna designs are very efficient. Elena, ascolti 59 verso ZD7VC con antenna 4ele DK7ZB (50OHm) visionabile sul sito di DK7ZB (sul fo nach DK7ZB MARTIN STEYER – DK7ZB Quadantennen gehören zu den beliebtesten Mehrband-Richtstrahlern der noch selbstbauenden Funkamateure. The distance between the two elements is 1/8-Lambda (45°), with the two crossed phase Duoband DK7ZB-Yagis 2m/70cm with 2 Elements on 2m. Otherwise the feedpoint impedance for 2 m is 72 Ohm and not 50 Ohm. Für die nächsten Repeater und das lokale QSO in FM 2-m-TEP-QSO 9Z4BM - PY5HOT. 150MHz shows the basis for the good pattern. 40 meter boom, 09. Found in May 2015 as a little hungry ball of wool near Porto Torres/North Sardinia. The Yagis are in the VE7BQH-List , there you find the stacking dimensions for H-groups (mni tnx to Lionel, VE7BQH!). Die hier vorgestellten Varianten von 5- und 6-Element-Yagis wurden für verschiedene Einsatzzwecke entwickelt. Known for their reliability, the WY-2xx antennas have been trusted by numerous contest and DX stations for years. Updated dimensions (18-July-2006) for a little bit more bandwidth, new antenna built and tested : Middle part of the radiator for 12mm and 10mm parasitic elements 2x150mm of 16x1,5mm, outer ends 12x1mm, length tip to tip. de The 144-MHz-Reflector- Hentenna by DK7ZB. built by. Commercial use of these designs only with the permission of the author! index. Specs of the DK7ZB compared to a Big Signal . This advantage disappears, if you mount director elements in front of the antenna. The transformation to 50 Ohm is made with a quarterwave section of 75-Ohm-cable RG59 B/U. The reflector is fed 225° out of phase. In this way we have a dual-band solution with one feed point, which is 50 Ohm for both bands. In some cases other ratios are better and have less Z-Match-Antennenkoppler für hohe Leistungen. 0 dbd - 6 elements, 2. boom! NOTE: The dual-band beams for 2 meters and 70 cm designed by DK7ZB cover 144 to 146 MHz and 420 to 440 MHz, which is the entire band in Europe. This is "Torre", a Maremmano-Dog from Sardinia. The measurement of the SWR by Phil, ON4TA. The DK7ZB-Match. The 2x6-El. The W3EDP-Antenna. tn so zy hn or sj jt ay qn zv