Girlfriend has herpes reddit

Girlfriend has herpes reddit

Just communicate with each other and you’ll figure things out if you really like this guy. Using a condom. I think something like 30% of genital herpes cases are HSV1. In the US - 48% under age 50 have HSV 1, 12% have HSV 2. People can have type 1 or 2 in either place — either as a one-off occurrence due to low immunity or otherwise. I was with her three years, so I always assumed I had it in some… Jan 15, 2020 · Here are other ways to avoid getting herpes from your partner: Always use condoms and dental dams during oral, anal, and vaginal sex. We encourage everyone, patients and professionals, to have a dialogue here about advocacy, cure, treatment and prevention. Better than expected. Most people don't have any symptoms or their symptoms are so mild they don't notice them. She’s being careless for sure, but also, dude, most people with herpes have it and don’t even realize it, and it can actually be spread whether they have an active outbreak or not. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So I thought it will be fine To cuddle her because I'm not putting my saliva on her. Remember, over 1 in 6 people have HSV-2. Mine is under Lauren. Talk with your partner about taking herpes medicine every day, which can lower their chances of spreading herpes. 70% or more of the population has HSV1 (which usually causes oral herpes). Close friends hate my girlfriend (F33) and I's (F27) relationship because she failed to mention she has Herpes I've been dating my gf for aprox 2 years. I would never sleep with someone, knowing I had an STD, without telling them. However, you should ASK HER. . The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 70% of the human population has hsv1 in particular. I learned after some time my girlfriend has Genital Herpes however she disclosed that she got it from receiving oral sex from someone with a cold sore (she was uninformed at the time). Call your doctor tomorrow and ask if a test has been done to officially determine if it was herpes, and if there hasn't been one, have one done. My [20 M] girlfriend [20 F] of almost a year has herpes and didn't tell me. Get app 37K subscribers in the Herpes community. We started out with condoms but eventually had unprotected sex. Most people don’t disclose HSV1 because they assume everyone has it, it can spread without an outbreak, etc. She's sweet and seems like someone I could see myself with long-term. Herpes is caused by infection with either herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). Red Scare is a podcast hosted by @annakhachiyan and @nobody_stop_me Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere "But it is the most (inaudible)y god damned board you could ever imagine. 2 percent -- more than three times that of whites, at 12. We both have had no sexual partners Feeling angry is natural, but you have to let go of that. According to the CDC, most herpes transmissions occur when the infected person shows no symptoms and may not even know they are infected. Don't ruin what you have with her because of your insecurity and emotional turmoil. If this test is positive you may have gotten herpes years ago, not from your current partner. 5. Shittythrowaway5768. It felt like this was the end of my sexual life as an adult. MOD • 13 days ago. For others, it can cause a number of concerns, including problems with self-esteem or feelings of isolation. The majority of the adult population has hsv1 which leads to cold sores. Please watch “Adam Ruins Everything” specifically “Adam Ruins Sex”. She wants respect and trust from you but she doesn't give you either. • 1 yr. Shit happens in life. Has anyone had a similar experience/have any wisdom on similar circumstances? TLDR; girlfriend is being tested for herpes. So, I’m (27M) bit of a hypochondriac and have had UTI/STD symptoms over the last week and sort of half jokingly asked my girlfriend (26F) if she’d been cheating on me… She called me straight away, clearly upset and told me that she has herpes but hasn’t had an outbreak in 5 years but was mortified at the thought of me now having it… Yep so my girlfriend just told me she has herpes and I don’t know how to react. My most recent ex had herpes, but only orally. Generally when you are showing symptoms and have sores you wouldn't want to kiss anyone due to the pain anyway so you probably wouldn't transfer it anyway. If you give head to a girl with HSV-2, you might get it in your mouth. And if you have cold sores (aka herpes), and you date someone with hsv1 genitally, you cannot catch it twice. She might have a good heart but she needs to work on herself, for herself. Mylovelyladylumps69. Usually it goes away and there is never another outbreak, especially if it is HSV1 as it's not optimized to prosper down there. I contracted herpes through an unprotected casual sex encounter. My girlfriend of 9 months told me she has herpes. Part of me doesn't want to have sex with her anymore cause she's not interested anymore. I would suggest asking your partner to get tested and find out if he has HSV1 or HSV2. So the girl I've been seeing for a bit just told me she has herpes type 2. She said it’s non contagious when it’s not visible on her face but I’m unsure and pissed off that she kept it from me as we’ve kissed and had sex. For videos of celebrities just going undercover and not doing the activity they are known for please submit to /r/UndercoverCelebs. Don’t have sex during a herpes outbreak, even with a condom. You should be good man. A lot of people contract it from their parents when they’re young, and don’t have an initial outbreak until they become sexually active. If you came in contact with someone that has chlamydia and/or herpes chances are you could already have it without knowing - so leaving her won't necessairly change anything. Learn the facts before you spout bs. Herpes can take months to develop. A little background: I'm a late bloomer to the dating game (26, never been kissed and never had a girlfriend before). An estimated 67% have HSV1, and 13% have HSV2. Relationships. Oral cold sores (herpes)are usually caused by HSV1, and genital herpes has typically been HSV2, but because oral sex is common, so is HSV1 around the genitals (up to 50% of cases). This is a really tough situation to be in. Reply. And as symptoms can take years to appear - you might be dating someone with herpes and never even know it. HSV-1 is pretty obnoxiously painful. when she takes her meds it stops flare up and puts you at low risk…. The main one (by far) is the one that causes cold sores around the mouth. The other is an antibody blood test that answers 'have i ever been in contact with someone who has cold sores or herpes' - we never order this because it is almost always positive even if you don't have the rash. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. I really like this girl, and we trust each other enough to talk about these In the US, age 14-49, "up to" 16% of Americans have genital herpes. Worldwide rates of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 are between 60% and 95% in adults. There's even some anti virus medication you can take that apparently reduces the chance of spreading it by like 99% when you're not having a flare up. She'll probably dump you, too. You both have it and this takes away the stigma and fear. Hey all, a little bit of context. Try not to sweat it. This is also a place to discuss relationships, diagnosis issues, your health and symptoms. We also have great chemistry and a strong physical attraction. [9] Rates of HSV-1 are between 70% and 80% in themintingclub. Getting it is definitely not the end of the world. •. A place to get personal things off your chest. The are 2 types of herpes: HSV-1(oral) and HSV-2(genital) either type can cause an outbreak in the opposite area. Most people contracted herpes under the age of 10, from stupid relatives with cold sores kissing children. Just found out my (32m) girlfriend (35f) has herpes Just to start things off with some background, we started our relationship just over a year ago. 9% positive it is genital herpes. She says the same, but says she will do whatever I need to make sure we stay best friends. She’s probably already positive. I didn’t have sex for quite a few years, and when I did the person I had sex with was not the right person. but she didnt mention until after being intimate, though only foreplay, that she Somewhere between 50% and 80% of US adults have oral herpes. Sexually, it can affect one's sense of freedom. And many don’t even know about it. [new] My girlfriend (26f) nonchalantly tells me (26m) that she has oral/facial herpes after she has an outbreak. - 2% if either condoms or antivirals are used. I didn't know what it was at the time but looked it up out of curiosity when I got home. • 10 days ago. This is genital herpes. Best of luck xx. Many people with herpes don't know they have it until an outbreak occurs and you can contract it despite safe sex practices. Herpes 1 primarily lives on the mouth; 2 on the genitalia. I have genital HSV 1 - other than having to disclose it is a non issue in my life. true Some people might even never get symptoms. [1] Rates of both increase as people age. Whatever. I would guess that at least half the population has some medication for cold sores and your girlfriend is probably one of them. Hello u/AssetJoiner574 , If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible! 9 out of every 10 people on the planet have some form of herpes. Reply reply. View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. 5%), see https://www. (Those numbers don't add up to 75% because some have both. She understands and you can support each other. cold sores) as early as infancy just by swapping the tiniest bit Yeah, but genital herpes and cold sores are totally different leagues in terms of outbreaks and discomfort. 1 HSV-1 is most commonly associated with oral herpes, also known as cold sores, but the virus can spread to the genital area. It was an awful devastating blow. This is a little different and just has a huge stigma if the relationship were not to work out it's gonna be much harder to find relationships. My (M29) gf (F25), we'll call A, and I have been dating for just about a year and a half now. She could have gotten them from anywhere, sharing a drink with a family member or friend. My feelings were pretty much the same as yours honestly. but none the less herpes type 2 is controllable…. I'm kind of shocked to have her tell me this. Hello, I had a quick question. In the end you'll be a stronger person for it. We've had 3 dates so far and we seem to be clicking pretty well. Would you have decided not to marry her over cold sores. Just found out my GF of over a year has herpes. If your date has HSV-2, avoid contact with her genitals. Herpes is not included on standard STI panels and the CDC recommends against testing for it without symptoms - the stigma- basically the gears going in your head and hers- are far worse than the symptoms, the most common of which is never having symptoms at all. Some people experience a decrease in sexual interest around the time of diagnosis—feelings that often center on the fear of spreading genital herpes to a partner. for all you know, you or your girlfriend could already have it and just never got cold sores. OK, I'll start with some background. Holy shit, I read that guy's twitter for like 10 Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. That virus lives on the liver called the Epstein barr virus. We meet on a dating app and for the most part everything has been good. You're actually, in my opinion, lucky to have someone who you love going through the same thing. She's always been very kind, thoughtful, fun, and an overall sweet human. If the girl is a hypochondriac then she'll have many outbreaks, most people have their shitty 1x initial one and are stable the rest of their life. Have her get tested. That's a huge breach of trust. Knock on wood I test clean. We… That being said, they do have dating groups for people with herpes. More people have herpes than don't - most just don't realize it. You might think you have the upper hand because you don't have herpes -- but that will soon change, and then she'll have the upper hand because she has a vagina. Literally 1 out of 6 Adults GLOBALLY have H1N1, and 1 out 8 Adults (again, globally) have H1H2. The genital kind. But “primarily” does not mean “always”. I'm beginning to hate myself. I've only had a couple people not want to have sex because of it and they eventually changed their mind when they did more of their own research. 50% of new genital herpes cases are HSV1 which means even if she has genital herpes it could be the HSV1 strain, which you may or may not have already been exposed to. We encourage discussion about clinical trials, research and news on the path to change. We click really well—lots of shared interests, humor, music, and art tastes. Short story: I have oral herpes (very common, about 70% of the population has it) and I gave my girlfriend genital herpes through oral sex even though I didn't think I was actively breaking out. OP, herpes does not mean your boyfriend cheated on you. We are deeply in love, and I cannot imagine being near her without being affectionate. She says she got it from complications of mono, which I don't disbelieve as there are studies out there that say it can happen, and her previous partners all tested negative. Herpes can also live inside you for years without showing any signs. She doesn't owe me sex. Do you know if your GF’s genital herpes is HSV1 or 2? 80% of people will get HSV1, about 20% of people will get HSV2. e. Nick has herpes. We started hooking up before dating and after the second hook up we both got… She sounds toxic. I wouldn't say it's "wrong" to break up with her, but it's kind of shitty. Before the first time we had sex, she told me that she has About 2/3 of people have herpes. Yes, she can take suppressive Valtrex to help avoid any contact with the virus which most of the time lays dormant but during times of stress can become active and maybe not even seen so have her talk to her physician about suppressive Valtrex 500 mg once a day, don’t be afraid to use condoms if you don’t like thatyou need to discuss things, but I don’t think it’s worth giving up a Not having sex while an active outbreak is happening. good thing 80% of the world's population has herpes HSV1. HSV-2 causes genital herpes. 3 percent. This gave her genital herpes. Recently, I met an amazing girl and we've been on a few dates. The beginning stages of us dating were good and I really liked her, intelligent, caring, funny observant etc. About 50 percent of the US population has HSV1. Cold sores ARE hsv1. yeah, i have had people forward me articles, medical articles and wikipedia entries, telling of how easy it is to get herpes, yet i've had it 22 years, have slept around a lot, am still in touch with and friends with a number of people i've slept with, both short and long term partners, and the only time people have gotten infected through me If you want to know if she has herpes without flat out asking her, ask about recent testing and STI status. Fortunately, statistically you won't have contacted it. So my girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 months now. r/Herpes A chip A close button. This is a deeply disturbing and moral dilemma for me. I do not expect infidelity. I don't know if I'm more upset that she may have given me an incurable disease, or that she I was diagnosed with herpes for the past 8months but DrBrian cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes but they were cured too. We have a long distance relationship and she came down to Florida to visit me last… Your wife has cold sores. I am horrified by this and would like to hear advice from my reddit community. I found out that I gave my long-distance girlfriend genital herpes today from a visitation 2 weeks ago. Herpes is a relatively mild STI, but it lasts your entire life. A person can contract H1N1 (I. Mono is probably the most common infecting 9 out of ten people. We've been dating for a couple of months now and its clear that things are heading to something more serious. I didn't have anyone and have no idea who gave it to me. My best friend of 20 years is sleeping with a girl. This group is a resource for people living with Herpes. My girlfriend has herpes and we both want me to go down on her. Hello, r/Herpes is open and welcomes you. 1. AMA. I do not have herpes and have never have shown symptoms of it. afraid to commit to a relationship because she got herpes. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. Now personally HHS 8 is the worst causing tumors that need surgery to remove. Contact Doctor Brian via email; Text: (919) 914-0446 WhatsApp ‪+1 (919) 914‑0446‬. Avoid sexual relations before, during, and after outbreaks. I really wish she would explain why she won't touch me. Bigger things in life to cry over The question is whether you want to have herpes after you guys inevitably break up. Generally everyone has HSV-1 so you don't have to much worry about infecting people. Literally most people have herpes type 1…. Herpes is extremely common and not life threatening in any way whatsoever. I personally think you are overreacting. About 80-90 percent of carriers never get symptoms. Mar 30, 2022 · Dear Positive, The difference between cooties and herpes is that cooties is nothing—a fake designation flung by children—while herpes is not nothing. It's been a few months with my new girlfriend. [9] HSV-1 is usually acquired during childhood. Now I can only give you herpes if I would to kiss you or sex with you. Don't sweat it. Type can be a big deal because they all have different transmission rates, which imo are important for disclosing. Tell her you were born with them (as was i, you're not alone) and that you just have to be extra careful when having a flare up. tl;dr - gf has had herpes since being a baby and hasn’t had a breakout in four years but didn’t tell me before dating. Feb 14, 2022 · Avoiding Infection. Carma56. It's way more comforting to tell someone they have a 2% chance of contracting then an unknown chance. r/Herpes. ) That's oral herpes. Take a breath. I (14/f) cuddling with my girlfriend (21/f) and I have herpes. ADMIN MOD. " cross to comply, still in control, understand a hand, a hand moved me, just like a station on the radio. But I don't feel comfortable having sex with others. here maybe this can help idk but it sounds pretty contagious i say avoid close contact until the doctor says its ok. It may be just a smidge more than nothing 10 votes, 32 comments. I’ve only ever really had positive disclosures, I’m. If your partner feels symptoms coming on, it is best to avoid contact in the affected areas. I really don't know too much about sti's but after doing some research I was with my ex for 6 years, broke up and slept with 3 women and caught it off one of them… didn’t realise until a month in with my current girlfriend. Friend has herpes and is sleeping with a girl. Then you'll be broken-hearted AND have herpes. Kinda like a paper cut. I haven't had any sores in YEARS. Also, as time goes on flare ups will be few and far between. Say you really like her and would love to be intimate but you would like to discuss STIs, condoms, birth control and other sex related issues that are important to discuss before you have sex with someone. For most it is even less of an issue than the common cold. I just want a normal sex life and thats gone. Usually receive a very positive response. I have genital herpes. There are a lot of different ways. A lot of people have herpes and never know - it is really common (type 1 around 70% and type 2 around 20% of the population). I would have told you to break up before the herpes came up. This is a disclosure guide with “scripts” on how to tell potential partners about herpes and what had worked for us. M. My girlfriend and I have been dating since the beginning of December. It's not a big deal. For African-Americans, the prevalence of infection was 39. But i was still honest with all of my partners (and now wife) cause that's just the right thing to do. TL;DR My girlfriend is afraid of contracting herpes from me (HSV-2+) and wants to de-escalate our relationship. The percentages for genital herpes are thought to be lower, 16% to 20% of the US population between 14 and 49. She doesn't even like me. Worldwide - 2/3 under age 50 have HSV 1, 11% have HSV 2. TLDR : My girlfriend "18F" just told me "19M" that she has herpes and now my feelings are conflicted Edit : I had to repost cause the comments were locked and her father didn't beat her cause she got herpes (well he did) but he mainly did it because he thought his daughter had become a promiscuous young lady and was sleeping around at least As you said, at least 80% of the human population has herpes. On our third date she gave me a blowjob but no sex. She is 25 and has had a couple… 19. . A lot of people don't want herpes because out of the 8 viruses in the herpesvirae family it's the ones that causes the most symtomatic recurrences. There is HSV 1 HSV2, Chicken pox, Mono, HHS 5-6 And HHS 7-8. Condoms are designed to decrease the risk of herpes and other STIs. I gave my girlfriend herpes and we are still together. AutoModerator. He is not using protection and has not told her he has herpes. This is why disclosure isn't mandatory. The day after she tells me about her situation. We both have similar interests, upbringing, and grew up in the same area, and this is the healthiest relationship either of us has ever had. I was very open from the start and went through all the information about herpes with her and she was very understanding and said “it’s just a minor thing compared to the rest of our Obviously educate yourself of herpes, both genital and oral. Herpes and UTI do not share symptoms. Most people just don't show symptoms. This does not eliminate the risk entirely. If you can do all three above, the likelihood of herpes transmitting to a male partner is about 1% per year (due to anatomical differences, the % for women is higher at about 2. and while this chick may be the village bicycle, many people who have herpes arent. Some doctors will tell people not to disclose it and even they will give false information. I've had dirty ex's b4. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. She has the bumps, symptoms, and is going to get tested later today, but we're basically 99. 2. But first, calm down. A couple weeks later, she ended up having symptoms of genital herpes, so she went to get tested and tested positive. TIFU by giving my GF of 5 years genital herpes. ) Herpes 1 and 2 are both INCREDIBLY easy to spread. Easily over 8 or 9 years. You are right around 50% of people in America have oral herpes HSV-1. Daily suppressive medicine for the partner with herpes. I currently have HSV-1 (I believe that’s the strain) on my mouth so I get cold sores every year or so. Just tell your girlfriend. So me a my girlfriend a So a girl I'm pretty into told me she has hsv-1 genital herpes. The blood test can tell you type but not location, but if you've had outbreaks, you know your location. The answer: Probably not. topherpesdatingsites There are 8 types of human herpes viruses. You can contract herpes without symptoms, though it’s easier with visible sores. The CDC estimates that more than 80 percent of the people who have the herpes simplex 2 virus have no idea they are infected. Or we were to get my Blood in your mouth. But since only 20-30% get noticeable symptoms there out the 70-80% of American adults that have herpes 49-64% of the population has herpes and don't even know it. 30 votes, 27 comments. I have not had intercourse with any other individual in 3+ years and, to my knowledge, she has never had another sexual partner. as long as she takes her medication everyday you’ll be fine!!!! Herpes is controllable as long as she is responsible with her medication. Celebrities who have herpes . 4401Andrew. Just a heads up, about 75% of the people under age 50 in the US have some form of Herpes. If only reddit could have a serious conversation about herpes and not a herp derp freakout session, then more people might know. 30f whose had ghsv1 for 10 years, I’ve done over 25 disclosures. It was a lot higher a generation ago. And you have a higher chance of transmitting it to someone else if you have hsv1 orally than if you have it genitally. ago. More people have a form of herpes than do not. A few days ago I found a bottle of Valtrex (used to treat cold sores and genital herpes) while helping my girlfriend clean her room. Only around 11% of Americans have genital herpes 1. Assuming that a couple is having sex twice a week, and abstaining from sex during outbreaks, the annual rates of transmission are: - 4% if no condoms or antivirals are used. We stayed together and now, about 3 months later, she transferred the genital version to me. Only 20% of that really has significant signs. Obviously if you start to notice any symptoms, schedule a doctor's appointment immediately. They're thankful for the honesty and concern for their sexual health. I have it and I've only had a cold sore once or twice in my life. She said she pretty much never sees symptoms. However, she recently disclosed to me that she has genital herpes (gHSV Educate her. You have trouble finding a partner willing to take the risk, but staying within a dating "group" if you will is probably your best bet for upholding your high standard of moral values. If you love them enough it'll still be the same thing. If she has HSV-1, avoid kissing or touching the area where she gets breakouts. You can also get genital herpes from cold sores. We had just had sex and she gave me oral. hx xe tg yc sb rh yq hk dj uy