Reddit aoe4 build order

Reddit aoe4 build order

Byzantine Feudal All-in - By Valdemar. This all happens in dark age. Build second TC on deer with 8 workers, rally to deer. (Defensive civ ==> blacksmith first then production, offensive ==> production first). Generally I just put 5 on wood and get to 4 vills on food for constant vil prod but I’m wondering if there are some more optimized build orders for this. *Be sure to enable subtitle (not auto-translation) to watch in English. They also have a strong castle, and a very strong imperial. Queue 1 prelate and vils in TC. Starting today, you can use the in-game icons to illustrate your build usually build orders that get something extra in store are just bad, but in this case it might be for the best. First of all, I am playing Gold/Plat league. The same as in season 5. Convert a couple of ships to archer/springald ships as soon as you age up and fight their dock immediately. (Can be straggler or nearest tree) Once the mill has 50 gold collect food from vills so you don't lose 20% supervision. I agree this strategy sucks at high level play but it is pretty strong in lower League. Otherwise, you can use your starting vills for a chop and then 76 votes, 21 comments. 1st one out of TC builds mine drop off. In this video from Beastyqt he explains how to reach Fast Castle with HRE. I'm doing 5 to Gold for one drop off (no forge), then back to food, rally 4 to stone then rally food until age up. Build orders on aoe4guides are kinda The gold vills never leave their post. Typically the AI is much worse then players, so what works agaisnt players will beat the AI. OPs build could be beneficial for non-eco wing feudals since there is not much benefit to rushing the tech in those. 4 on sheep, 1 on stray tree, 1 on gold pit. AoE4 - Build Order Breakdown of Hera's French - EGC Winter Championship. I hope someone can improve this a little, to make it more readable. New vill to house then food. One vill builds a cistern then gold mining camp. zen_lava. New vils -> wood until 3 on wood. So you do have choices. I only know three build orders: English Standard Build - Based on Beasty's standard English build order. Inspire food and wood vils with prelate, all new vils to gold until 4 vils on gold, move prelate to gold when you have 3 on gold. That's just what I remember off the top of my head from Beasty's HRE BO video and have no idea how yours remotely resembles this lol. Leave 4 on food, 5 to stone, remainder to wood, keep tc rally on wood and build lumbar camp as soon as you are able. Standard opening still most popular: 5 on wood, 1 builds Pitmine, and rally food until age-up. what I did a couple times was getting 5min tc and just get the other 150stone passively from gold Abbasid: 2 Food, rest on wood. I've tried against the hardest AI but cant quite figure out anything viable with it. Anywhere to find good build orders + some strategy behind them (eg. Sc2 has it. If you are new with JD (or any civ, or the game overall), it might be good to Any good modern build orders for Rus? I played a decent bit when the game came out and recently got back into it due to the DLC. For Casual players and… The order depends on your opponent. Proposed HRE start. I used to follow… Here is what I came up with: Five vills go on stone. Looking for some Ottoman build orders for water maps when they come up. At that point I can either hit feudal with a 2nd TC ready or upgrade my main TC. Excited to try this out! I went 4-0 with it yesterday! Just tried it out poor guy gg`d out at 5:15 after I catch him (Malians) building landmark just little bit out of TC range and killed scout + ~5 vills :D. TC rallied to sheep until you have 5 vils on food (including the dock vil) Add 1 more vil to wood (6 seems to be enough for constant fishing ship production) 2-3 vils on gold. - next to food until 13 on food, then to straggler tree until enough for lumber camp. It sets up Wheelbarrow, Fresh Foodstuffs and (the often forgotten) Golden Age tier 1 and starts constructing the 2nd TC before you hit min 5:30. 6 on food. You dont need to learn any build order if you are new. Alternate vills between sheep and wood and try to pump out at least 2 ships before aging up. Send gold vils and 3-4 food vills to stone. I was supported by the author of RTS/AOE4_Overlay to make sure, that the builds stay compatible - even with illustrations. (Maps) Dry Arabia, French Pass, Hill and Dale, Lipany, Mountain Pass, King of the Hill. Produce spears, make ram with spears. 3 to gold, they build house and mine. 6. Probably youtube videos especially from channels like beastyqt, valdemar etc. Once you've clicked up, transfer sheep vills to lumber and rally to woodline. I find throwing down a stable and using horsemen early is a great way to harass the enemy. I don't have the apm for 3 or even more scouts. Always build two barracks against French then add stable or range. Should hit feudal around 4:30. Finally, I add more villagers to wood until I have about 15. Micro, macro. I read on some comments on youtube that there exists a 5 cistern rush build order which ensures an insanely productive castle age. These gold vils, produced after vil 9, assuming no wood, are making 10 + 10 + 20 gold with 3 vils, assuming one of the vils needs to skip a cycle to build a house. I think it's better to open on sheep without a mill for the fastest early game. 3 more on stragglers tree (You need 2 stragglers trees to build everything before a lumber camp can be built) Then the rest on food until I age up and I make sure while aging up I have 6 on food. • 2 yr Rally vills to food. Use the scouts to hunt down wolves and deer around the map, it should get you to the tier 2 bounty. Build orders are just a good starting place for the first few minutes but will almost always need adaptation based off of your opponent. Amazing build order. No matter the land map, you should get 6+ sheep with waypoints easy peasy) and because of this we can. The video would be more than 10 hours long if I tried to explain all about Japanese, so the content is quite abbreviated, but I hope this Abbasid Build Order. My option is not here , I learnt build order by watching the video and trying it a few As for ayyubids - I’ve been trying to use growth with logistics or reinforcements with logistics with mixed success, but i think there’s some steps that I could probably improve on that someone else might’ve solved. https://discord. You can see some sample 'builds' I If you want to go for early aggression. Probably not a pro-level strat, but not every strat has Looking for 2 build orders for French: 2 stable opener & 2 TC. Requires too many vils on stone. rush or fast castle) written out without the need to First builds the mining camp. 40 gold, in minute 2. The vill producivity increase does sling shot Wondering what r/AOE4 's thoughts are on the English build order. Wanted to let you guys check it out! Don't know why there aren't any build orders on that but it makes sense with Japanese since they gather passive gold to age up via stone. Two more vils onto sheep for 8 on food, then rally to wood. You put 5 vills on wood and one makes Ovoo and goes to sheep. On the other hand since both of us are Gold in 1v1, we're not even close to the highest Current status of HRE and possible build orders. Beastyqt's Malian "House of Gold" into second Age of Empires 4 Build Orders. Discussion. I like to print my build orders out and put them to the side of me so I don't have to remember every step. Founded by veterans of the Warcraft and StarCraft franchises, Frost Giant is on a mission to build the next great RTS. It varies by civ, but usually you’ll want roughly 2 on gold, rest on food. This is great for more civs strats diversity. There are plenty of variations on this, so I am interested to see what everyone else is doing. As a bonus French are gods on water map and Rus are potato. Build orders are 1st 5-6 min of opening the game like chess openings. Just tried this on Danube River and was surprised to find four boars clustered in the middle of the map. Though it has 4 ages, practically its just feudal and castle age play. I made it using aoe4world's build order tool. 1-6 go to wood, one build lumber camp. What have you found to work so far? Hippodrome is too good not to use in 1v1. - 1 builds village near gold mine then to gold. r/aoe4 • 10 mo. I don't have a strict build but what I've seen is simply to pull the wood vills back to food/gold after getting 3-4 fishing ships out (+ enough This is the build Grubby (top 50 player) does. Sep 25, 2022 · You can go first with Mehter Drums (1 Mehter and +15% movement speed) if you plan to be very aggressive or Field Works (2 imams and aoe heal) if you face heavy aggression and need to heal units. You should emphasize being familiar with the game and have solid understanding of all stages of the game. Should give you Feudal at around 4:25 with enough gold for Fresh Foodstuffs and at least 300 lumber so My favourite opening is to go heavy wood early, 2 archery range, archer rush them english style. If you scroll down to the bottom of the guides they usually have the YouTube link for the guide. Also if the beginning of the build is tweaked a bit to send 3 initial villagers to wood, you can get a villiage down before the 10th pop comes out, eliminating the need for houses. You'll need a 4th sheep to not run out, though. Queue 2 knights, harass any weak resource. BeastyQT's English Builder order. Somewhere in there you can move a villager or two to 1 -> house -> gold. Now I got deeper into the game and currently I‘m playing a lot of HRE. - 1 to straggler tree until enough for village and lumber camp then to gold. Gold hits 200, those 3 move to stone. 5 vills produced put onto gold. H ello Everyone! I've recently uploaded a new build order for Abbasid Dynasty integrating the 2TC meta from season 2 into season 3. Ottoman Build Order 🔥 DESTROYS 🔥 Malians. In the past few days I was working on icon-support for aoe4guides. - 3 to food. Then the written part is just a reference to help remember. Send all new vills to wood until you have 5. I think with good micro, which is kind of the idea for OOTD, their archers + spears can beat any other feudal army, no other units needed. While it can sometimes be a strategy with HRE or Ottoman, it's not really a thing with JD. After the village is built send 2 villagers from wood to gold (once you have enough for a mining camp) The latest updates and discussion around Age of Empires IV. 2nd TC after cistern network level 3. In fact, I'll take any build order that's good. 1 -> gold. The interesting part is which parameter you take as the "tick" that progresses the build order to the next step. Have a look at Beastyqts s2 English guide, go Council hall instead of Abbey so if the AI is aggro you can pump out units. com - Feedback Appreciated. Age up with Aachen chapel with 3 sheep vils -> gold. Age-up once you have the resources. Priority #2: Fast Wheelbarrel and 50 wood for mil. You can tell whether they’re going to counter your build, they’re going FC, they’re rushing 2TC, or following a popular build. This gives you a massive advantage on what to do and what to build. The problem is, if you build it with 1, it gets finished too late and the gold mining vil starts walking towards the towncenter, which is a far greater inefficiency. 2 on gold while building a house. New vills to gold -> 3. For French knight harass with archer follow-up on land I do this to start (# is villager count): All stating vils on sheep 7 on sheep 8 build house then gold mine 9 help finish gold mine. All on sheep. A gimmick unit. 5 sheep 1 hunting cabin > wood 1 house > lumber camp > wood 1 scout (2 scouts total) 1 sheep 1 sheep Byzantine 5 Cistern Rush Build Order. Nah it’s not. At one point you'll have 8 vills on sheep. I use this build order to open every game until late feudal, where you have to decide if you will rush/all in your opponent with knight/archers or rush to castle age and boom. send all new villagers to wood. Use the hunting lodge to produce a 2nd and maybe even a 3rd and 4th scout. I guess that's an update in the new patch and makes this strategy incredible on that map. 1 to build two houses then on sheep. Media. So using aoe4guides just pick ones from a creator and watch the video. On land maps, 5 food, 1 start lumber > house > rax > 4 spears to start controlling the map while I build up to castle for a tower elephant attack. Therefore, the w/o IO build must go for gold vils. I'm working on a build order compilation and editor site for Age of Empires 4, and I'd love to gather some early feedback. I do think the Season 1 patch will make a lot of existing build orders sub optimal though. In this build, you go with Istanbul Imperial Palace Age 3 LM (+2 Vizier Point limit) and the main order you go is Anatolian Hills, Military Campus Ottomans have strong feudal aggression due to cheap, fast production and the military schools providing an eco/prod benefit, but also due to their unique units. It’s a good basic app. It's kinda the same idea as with other civs. Ultimate JAPANESE GUIDE by REAL Japanese. I'm going to practice the English Fast Castle and English 2TC start but I prefer However, the meta Abbasid build is all about rushing the eco wing and a 2nd TC. I've been going Hippo, Merc House, and Archery Range OR Barracks into feudal pressure. 79K subscribers in the aoe4 community. The 4 vills used to construct the Chapel should return to the resources they were on (1 gold, 3 food) once you get 150 wood build a stable with 3 wood vills. Around this time you should have 100 wood for the mosque. Rally one tc to gold, one tc to food. 30x4, 120 gold + 40 gold by minute 3; 160 for w/o IO. Take one vill and build a barracks near enemy. Take mao control so I can send vils out on all the berries. Build two stables and two archery ranges. For the moment, I'll stick with 2 scouts. Fast imperial is a weird Rus strategy I’ve seen a In an effort to learn to be better, I'm trying to find a cleaner build order for FC Ottomans with 2 fast mil schools. HatWorking9825. 2 more vills for 13 total, throw them two on wood. Send first to build mill on berries. I was doing this 5 to stone build before but i always had problem with housing (went Hera has some on his discord available for free in the channel aoe4-build-orders. If you want a rapid age up, then throw 4 vills to f and 2 to gold. In general, the most common build orders right now have you wanting to hit 400 food and 200 gold at the same time, so you can start aging up with 0 resources banked. English Water Build - Ditto. 80K subscribers in the aoe4 community. Build towers near enemy to protect your rams from his vills. Nice breakdown, ty. New vills to wood. Can somebody tell me how playable the HRE currently is? Both just go knights archers ram all in, but the french version is better. Immediately build a hunting lodge and a lumber camp near the closest forest with one vill each, shift queue both to go to wood afterwards. Prelate first. ageofempires4builds. ago. => 9 on food, 3 on gold. what are some good build orders for Malians in s6. Once they’re done building the stable queue up scouts and send those 3 vills to food. In particular, whether it is worth going for an early second TC before going Castle Age. Find the deer patch closest to your TC with the scout ASAP. I tested out many different Delhi build orders for the opening of the game, and this is the one that I like the most. New vils -> sheep until 7 on sheep then. No big deal if you can't do this option anyway since you can just copy paste text to a text document anyway. Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone; 0: Send 1 vil to sheep, send 5 vils to stone, rally TC to sheep: 1: 0: 0: 5: 0:30: 5 from stone to build Military School Updated Delhi Opening Build Order. @50 wood take a lumber vill and build House of Wisdom. goes food, next four go wood, next 3 go gold, next X go wood (Delhi wood requiremts are rather intense early game). Then you can just swap the mil school to its hard counter to force them to build another production unit (eg You could build a viewer around it that offers the user full flexibility in terms of what is shown and when. Helped me a lot. My build looks like this: - 6 to straggler tree, build mill with them before drop off. Maybe this opener into mass horsemen can give you enough map control to add trade behind it. I tried this build order in ladder Message from r/starfox. Rally to wood. I don't think it's the ingame-time, because it makes the build order pretty rigid and hostile towards beginners. After you have a Lumber Mill, Mill, 3 houses, and a gold pit, send all vills to food but 2, which stay on wood. Pull the 2 gold villagers and build the winery on your berries with the two gold villagers. Leave a couple on wood, rest food. It’s just an MVP, I’ve added some pro player builds and will keep ironing out bugs and improving it with search/filter capabilities, icons, and more categories (maps, patch, counters). Queue scout and imperial official. Continuously produce and harass. I’m thinking Mil School first into a dock could be good, since you can harass the enemy’s wood line until they put down the 150 wood for a production building. Hey guys! Seen a lot of the cistern builds being thrown around, did a little comparison and this build economically performs quite a lot better, and just feels more stable overall. - 1 to gold. -1-6 sheep -7 mine 7 stay -8 house 8 gold -9 sheep -10 camp or mill/stay (low sheep go mill, good sheep go camp) -11 HoW -12 food -13 wood You can hit Econ Wing around 2:30 this way. I was able to rank up to top 150 following this strategy. When you have 150 wood, make a barracks at ovoo for double production. Build orders don't need to be precise. Finally got around to creating my AoE4 build orders app, inspired by SC Spawning Tool: www. 77K subscribers in the aoe4 community. . 1. But the I loose a lot of time. 5 vills to wood, 1 vill immediately build dock on closest shore. EDIT: New version HERE . 1 -> mining camp -> gold. 3 of them build the landmark (leaving 5), then go to gold (shift command). Dark age: 0:00 - 4:30min. The first post of any thread should always be a build order, with the discussion underneath. Takes two to three stone miners in the dark age. -Vills off gold to wood -1/2 vills off food to wood -14 wood This (experimental, probably buggy) feature allows you to see exactly what happened in a game, which units and landmarks you build (and lost), at what time, research done, scores, timelines etc. At least I now get fast into the 2nd age. This build will absolutely rinse the AI: Queue up one villager at the TC. That until age up. The five stone vills are already heading to the TC, drop off stone and go to sheep. Build with a wood vil and shift back to wood. It won’t tell or help you defend a early rush. Send sheep near mill and gather food from sheep. Once you’re at 15 vills on food send your next 2 vills to gold. Transfer 1-2 from gold->wood at 200 gold, adding a 6th to food. Especially with the English getting a free TC when they reach Castle. Build Order - The French Punch (<4:10 School of Cavalry into harass into all-in, or macro or whatever) Fluff I'm not particularly good at the game, but I do thoroughly enjoy making sure my macro is tight, and have spent a few days messing with French openers and I've been having success with this one on all land and hybrid maps. 1 -> house -> mining camp -> gold. Not a fan of the straggler usage. Since you ask for 2 completely opposite builds, it seems you might be a bit lost about what to do, so i'd suggest looking for a JD guide on youtube and starting from there. gg/KCYd9CEf That means choosing a civilization based on what map you're playing; choosing an initial build order based on your opponent's civ + your starting position; adapting that build order based on what your scout reveals about the map & your opponent; etc, etc. Cow boom into gg. Obviously tons of things can change between that start and elephants. BEST fast castle malian cow build order : r/aoe4. Made 1 Knight to harass into Chivalry, plopped the TC on a deer patch and made 2 Archery Ranges, Stables and Blacksmith to stay in Feudal a bit rather than go straight to Castle. AoE4 is admittedly my first Age of Empires game, and so I'm not particularly sure what standards there are for build orders but I think I managed to capture the main essence in my site. 1 to build houses, rest on sheep, make TC route on gold vein for 5 vills, then when you are about to hit 200g you move 2 to food, all while making villagers till about 14-16, then start aging up around the 3min mark, all newly made vills should gather on the building until it’s complete. Goals for the 2 TC build order : Priority #1: Fastest first knight possible (with 3 or 4 vils to build landmark). Maybe hard to do since I'm no programmer but maybe you could add in a print build order option. The first vill created builds a house and goes to sheep. One vill builds the second cistern where I need it and connects them. Take 4 wood vils and build mill on barries and buy Fresh Foodstuffs: 7: 7: 3: 0: 7:00: After 2nd TC is built send all to food except 1 goes to gold: 16: 8: 4: 0: 8:20: If little pressure from enemy put 10 vils on stone for 3rd TC: 6: 13: 4: 10: 8:20 : If enemy is applying pressure rally TCs to food and wood and build production buildings and Sorry I don’t have a clean build order; once I put the School of Cav down I went to 5 on Food, 2 gold, rest wood, rally to stone. We really believe this will make it easier to analyze your games, get quick feedback from others and hope this helps the community to support and coach (I took these out of the build order so it gets a bit more organiced - Build houses as necessary - 00:00 => REMINDER: Don't forget to go for BOUNTY and bring back SHEEP in time - 02:45 => if wood straglers to far BUILD lumber camp - 02:45 => Reminder: Kremlin can be delayed because of BOUNTY (~02:45-03:30) - 03:50 => (Against passive CIVS: HRE Players build space ships, wheeled vehicles, space stations and planetary outposts, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive, or build with no limits in creative mode. Start with 6 vils. The Pitmine guy builds 6 houses (1 tree = 150 wood) and goes home. + For scholar garrisoned archery range you need 4 food vils and 6 wood vils to sustain production. After one whole straggler tree is gathered, put those 5 on food. But beyond learning build orders it’s pointless. MembersOnline. 3 vils to sheep, 1 vil build mining camp on gold, 1 to straggler tree, 1 build a house then to straggler tree. The idea is that building the mining camp with 2 vills is inefficient. 1v1. WinterStarcrafts RAM your Friends with this EASY English Build Order! Updated Jun 18, 2024 11:03 am. I think the biggest thing that has changed with French now is the fact that horsemen can get the same job done as Knights l so you can bank gold for aging, while applying the same cav/archer pressure. Build Deer stones with 4 villagers, pull 2 as it is almost complete for an immediate range on ovoo, the other two to food (the exact amounts you wanna shift a bit again based on spawn and game flow as you want either 4 or up to 8 mangudai). I typically have a clean feudal age up with early mil school, but I start to waver in castle in terms of assigning vils and keeping a clean eco balance. Currently the videos cover English, Chinese, French and HRE but the others should follow soon. First vill. As for late game comps that will be much harder based on what civ you are as well as what civ your opponent is and the map. Add a Comment. The video includes the transcription of the build order as well. I highly recommend build orders by BeastyQT and Aussie_Drongo, they put out very detailed videos on meta build orders. Priority one! Welcome to our subreddit dedicated to the Star Fox series of games. Then throw two to wood and 2 to food. Rally rest to sheep unless you wanna starve for food. by NateBerukAnjing. com: Over 1000 community-crafted build orders! It's been quite the year, with our fair share of traffic spikes and loads of new features rolling out thanks to your feedback and contributions. Here we post news updating us on the latest of Nintendo's underdog franchise, as well as fan work and discussions. Its the only dark age all or nothing strategy that comes to my mind. 11 vills total, 6f 5g. Byzantine build order guide Conq Level Build. I only like Rus on hideout. Be willing to adapt and this will honestly come with experience but you’ll learn pretty fast once you have that mindset! 1. I didn't want to use "master" because I'm only Diamond and haven't mastered any of them. 3 -> sheep. Mongol Tower rush build order. Byzantine strategy/build order. The latest updates and discussion around Age of Empires IV. It is an easy thing to say just build the counter units to your opponent, but in Stormgate is an upcoming free-to-play real-time strategy game developed by Frost Giant Studios. Hello, I created Japanese guide video for those who are struggling in 1v1 as Japanese enjoyer. Always build one stable against English. 1 on straggler tree. Should give you and age up time around the 3 min Mark. To learn more about Stormgate and how to become a Founder, visit playstormgate. com. Now, once LM is placed, go down to 4 on food (i keep queue on sheep tho), and move all else to wood. I do an 8/4 for fastest tech up and have enough wood for the mill before my last sheep runs out. It’s like having a piece of paper behind you that has build orders Discussion. Queue tc villagers to closest straggler tree (need 50 wood for lumbar camp) You should have 400 food and 200 gold around the same time. Thanks! I appreciate it :) Thanks, I am new to the game. For Casual players and… 193 votes, 44 comments. Priority #2: Rallying appropriate vills off gold/food and from TC to get 350 stone so my stone villagers don't get And as such, we've created on our forum a new section specifically for posting Season 3 build orders by civ. Micro your gold intake by selecting three miners and make them drop off gold when you are over 180g. -Remember that a build order is essentially a template for achieving a goal in the most optimal time possible. While the landmark is being build, you're sending new vills to wood. For Casual players and competitive players a-like. Idea. This is the Build Order from the video without the towers he cites as "kid wheels" in the video, where he says to build some defensive outposts around the resources vs all ins and he says to go Burgrave Palace instead of the Regnitz Cathedral against French Hera (tournament player and streamer) currently releases build order video for every faction showcasing what he believes to be the strongest build order for that faction. Hello! I spent a lot of time watching livestreams, videos and reading postings on Reddit after my last question on this subreddit. All while keeping villager production at 100%. So while you're going up, you have 6 on berries, 2 on gold, and the rest on wood. White Tower Rush Build Order Guide, inspired by "The nameless Guy". 5 days ago · Build mill with 6 vills near berries. They are a little old now but think they mostly work still. Best troll strat is Chinese tower rush, Chinese build time for defenses is 50% faster, you can upgrade the towers with hand cannon slits (no garrison required) and fortify outpost (+1000 HP and +5 Fire Armor) which is just unstoppable without siege. Take 3-5 from food (depending on scout info, opponent civ) and age up. You might have heard of this one before: I wonder, how frequently the overlay tool is used. that faster tc means almost one extra vill compared to yours, and i'm not sure a super early daimyo in a 2tc build is that relevant. Easy S tier landmark for late game…. 3 to sheep, queue scout and vils, all to sheep. Looking for Japanese hybrid map build orders. No! I do not use build orders and guides: They ruin the game! Yes! I am using the overlay to learn build orders in-game. Here's some examples of build orders already available: Snoopa's Ottoman Dark Age and Fuedal Rush. Don't go onto gold. Common goals are fast castle (aiming to win through superior tech), fast town center (aiming to win through superior economy), or feudal based aggression (aiming to win with a rush). BUILD ORDER STARTS HERE. They remain fundamentally a generally strong civ. Know what the goal of the build order is, and if the enemy's actions change your goals, adjust accordingly. We've just hit a major milestone at aoe4guides. Control group your mosque and check on it while scouting so you can start Efficient Production without looking home. Eh they have some strengths, personally I like pumping out the Khan and like 10 horse archers and using it to roam the map taking out anything I can, then while they do that establish a trade route and use villagers to build the YAM network so I can be even more abusive, the mongols are the early game zerg rushing civ Continuously produce villagers and send them to collect resources in those amounts. If enemy is a cav civ (or they go cav anyway against the archers) add in the spears. Introducing Illustrated Build Orders on aoe4guides. Reply. Rally barracks to their gold / wood, depending There is a powerful aoe4 overlay tool around. Remaining vills go to sheep. After lumber camp, that vil builds house, then dock, then fishes shore fish. cj wm sb oo mn gd nh hf ql de