Vivado xdc file example

Vivado xdc file example

The latter will allow users to define GT LOC constraints in the top level XDC file. 4 (and / or 2019. I want to generate LVDS signals through the pins at J26. DAC Tile228(0) Ch0 will be used (LF balun). However, in the Vivado . Use report_timing to get a report of the path and to confirm if the input delay was applied correctly. Changed description in Advantages of SystemVerilog in Chapter 3. 3) Applies the original IP core XDC constraints pointed to by the XCI file. Some XDCs are gone, including the board. xdc for the Arty A7-100 Rev. I am currently working on a project in Vivado 2017 using the external mux. Cheers, Mark This XDC command is used to constrain the input paths. Follow the below steps to enable and set bitstream encryption for your Vivado design: 1) Open your design post-Synthesis or post-Implementation and open your XDC by double clicking it under the constraints drop down from the project sources window. SOM Vivado Tools XDC Files. Also, add the Verilog HDL files, wave_gen_pins_pynq. It gives slew rate examples for ISE UCF files while ignoring XDC syntax. Add the appropriate board related master XDC file to the project and edit it to include the related pins. • PDF documents insert end of line markers into examples that wrap from line to line. 55251 - Design for Vivado Synthesis - XDC Synthesis Attributes Support; DONT_TOUCH,BUFFER_TYPE. It hooks up the inputs and outputs of your module to pins, buttons, LEDs, switches, etc. Create and add the Verilog module that will model the 4-bit register with synchronous reset, set, and load control signals. This method is the easiest and fastest way to insert a probe, especially when it’s a composite type (array or record). Hello, I am using ZynQ Ultrascale\+ RFSoC ZCU111 Evaluation board and using Vivado IDE as the simulation tool to interface with the board. Vivado will pop up a window showing the IPs it detects in the directory. pdf document but the differences in the ISE and Title. To do this, open the synthesized design and expand the "Nets" tree in the Netlist tab. You can implement it on a custom board by modifying the device type and LOC constraints in the . When I modify the parameter in the Vivado TCL console (for example : set_param logicopt. The screenshot below shows the source file hierarchy of the generated example design for the UltraScale+ Integrated Block (PCIe4) for PCI Express IP. c) Launch the GT Wizard from the IP Catalog in the same way as above and generate the source files - example design, GT wrappers, and . 1-2-3. You specify the target xdc file by right-clicking on in and selecting “ Set as Target Constraint File ”. bin files. tcl) to generate the block design for the PS subsystem. Select Verilog in type, BasicLEDController as File name and click OK. 1 and a KC705 board. read_xdc -ref <name_of_module> <name_of_xdc_file> In project mode, when you add the XDC file to your project you set the property SCOPED_TO_REF to the name of the module. 1). The second constraint set uses only one XDC file Hi, @laomariem2 , Example for you: set_property BEL D5LUT [get_cells {Chain [0]. The Vivado tools automatically generate the XDC file for the processor subsystem when Generate Output Products is selected. However, I do understand that ten+ years ago, in the interest of the ease of automatic constraint management by Vivado, with the tool importing the users xdc file, doing the addition, refinement and deletion of lines in these files, banning the use of conditional statements in the source xdc files was a easier choice as compared to having a copying and pasting from the PDF into the Vivado tools Tcl Console, or into a Tcl script or XDC file. I rarely see it necessary to copy it all so I usually just go there and copy/paste the sections I need. 216. Make sure the pin names match the names of the I/O in your design. hello, I followed UG1236 but used the board files for the zybo, instead. xdc file. Star. It is a part of the V file, but it is described below. For example maybe on one board there is no Added an XDC example of FSM_SAFE_STATE. Simulate the design using the Vivado simulator. Under “Constraints”, you’ll find the “au. But if you do really need it for some reason, please see attached. I'm generating a DDR3 controller along with an example project to show me how things work. I know a " #" can be used to comment out a line in xdc constraint file. Launch Vivado and create a project targeting the XC7Z020clg400-1 device, and use the provided tcl script file (ps7_create_pynq. This step builds all the required output products for the selected source. 5 Gb/s for all packages while in Zynq it is limited to 6. The 16 User LEDs increment from right to LVDS I/O standard in constraint. Select IP > Repository then click the + button and point to the local directory the IP folder is located in. A Xilinx Design Constraints file or XDC file is needed to interface between your SystemVerilog modules and the Basys 3. When programmed onto the board, voltage levels between 0 and 1 Volt are read off of the JXADC header. Figure 2-1 shows two constraint sets in a project, which are Single or Multi XDC. I have more of a general question concerning the constraints file (. 1-2-2. 215. xdc file to demote this message to a WARNING. The picture above shows that XDC files are loaded after Implementation. on the board. Create a new XDC file or make a copy of an existing XDC file; Manually enter the Pin locations and I/O Standards for all of the I/O in your design. For more information, see this link in the ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration There are obviously other constraint files generated by the LogiCore when I generated the DDR4 IP. 4) Applies XDC constraints file extracted from DCP. Use the provided Xilinx Design Constraint (XDC) file to constrain the pin locations. Oct 18, 2021 · このブログでは、Vivado® ML Editionで使用する、「XDCファイル」の基本的な記述について解説します。. This file can be used by the carrier card designer to identify the full SOM plus carrier card design constraints. I found the ug903-vivado-using-constraints. xdc and wave_gen_timing_pynq. Feb 15, 2023 · In the current Kintex-7 FPGA KC705 Evaluation Kit User Guide, (UG810) v1. But it will give you a good idea! "#" are comments. This later stage is where you'll see many errors (like matching pin/net names, etc) So, it may appear that Vivado's ignoring it, however, you may You can either choose to include the xdc file while you're creating the project initially (like in the Vivado quickstart), or you can add it after the project has been created by: * Under Project Manager click on **Add Sources** * Then click on **Add or Create Constraints** * Click on **Add File** and bring in a copy of the default (fully Nexys A7 XADC Demo ---------- Description This project is a Vivado demo using the Nexys A7-100T's analog-to-digital converter circuitry, switches, LEDs, and seven-segment display, written in Verilog. 00 [get_ports {main_clk}]; Vivado Design Flow Objectives. 1. Clocks: primary clocks in vivado: "A primary clock is a board clock that enters the design through an input port or a gigabit. 2) Extracts the DCP to a temporary directory. My original concept was to put this in the XDC file for each and every port that may or may not be used based on the design in question: if { [get_ports -quiet <target port name>] != "" } { set_property PACKAGE_PIN <pad loc> [get_ports <target port name>] } However Vivado 2014. If the paths are all single big CDCs then you can use set In VHDL, port names are not case sensitive. Lab Edition requires no certificate or activation license key. For example, I know from Table 1-12 that the following two pin names identify the LVDS pin-pair, L12, for a 7-Series FPGA. 8 In the appendix of the ZCU102 board user's guide there is a full XDC printout. The output clock should be differential and I have used ODDR \+ OBUFDS to drive the output. 1. Also, you can type those constraints directly into the TCL console Launch Vivado and create a project targeting the XC7Z020clg400-1 device, and use the provided tcl script file (ps_init. For Boolean: XDCFileExample. bin file will use the QuadSPI to program the FPGA each time it is powered on. These examples are organized to correspond to the input delay and output delay constraints templates in Vivado. 4 throws a critical warning stating if {} statements are unsupported Save the project. One thing you need to consider is that the cell name ("Chain [0]. Hello, I have a xilinx development board that has 50Mhz oscillator frequnecy. Liked. Use set_input_delay and set_output_delay on your ports as described on pg1594 of UG835(v2019. thresholdBUFGinsertHFN 5000), is it saved in a project file (on disk) ? If yes, where ? 3. Could I put the TCL command in a constraint xdc file ? (I'm using Vivado 2016. The first step is to set the name for the project. I'm running: Vivado v2018. // ----- ----- output wire LVDS_DATA0_P, LVDS_DATA0_N; assign lvds_data0_n = ~ lvds_data0_p; assign Manual Text File. The only file in the IP example project is: xilinx_pcie_7x_ep_x1g1_AC701. Modified Tristates in Chapter 3. Fork. The clk port of my design is connected to oscillator in xdc file. ## Clock signal. Hello everyone I am currently designing the "XC7Z030-1FFG676C" using Vivado 2019. I have a design implemented in VHDL. This enables us to remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region) or when you register on areas of the Sites, such as our web programs or extranets. Example Design Hierarchy . XDCとは、Xilinx Design Constraint (頭文字)の略です。. 1) GUI to Add sources and add the edf and the xdc file. So in your case, you would just use Step 4: Find Matching Components in the New XDC - Different Board. bit file we can use either the JTAG programming cable, or a standard USB storage device to load the bit file into the FPGA. e. xdc files from the {SOURCES}\{BOARD}\lab5 directory. log Oct 30, 2023 · Figure 3: Vivado Project Manager Showing . (The XDC constraints embedded in the DCP are ignored) read_checkpoint: 1) Reads in the DCP file. A new screen will popup. Feb 16, 2023 · Bitstream options in Vivado are set in the design itself via the design's XDC file. 1 / 4. TSM Program Trigger The following TSM program triggers after the LTSSM goes to L0 twice i. 2. [DRC UCIO-1] Unconstrained Logical Port: 1 out of 3 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). Modified Black Boxes in Chapter 3. The constraints in this example file can be copied to your design (with some modification) based on where the clocks reside in your particular CLIP You can add your Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) files to a constraints set during the creation of a new project, or later, from the Vivado IDE menus. Verilog files have an extension of “. 2) June 6, 2014 Chapter 1: Vivado Synthesis. See (UG896) "Constraint File Processing Order" in Chapter 2. Extract the folder and add the XDC file to the project (File > Add Sources > Add or Create constraints) Double click on the XDC file in the source window to open it in the text editor. xdc file, you could write the following constraint if you wanted to auto-pipeline the output of a62c/A62_SDAT_reg. xdc file) I would have expected the set_false_path command to indicate to Vivado that it should ignore paths that pass through the ext_reset_in pin for the reset module, and thus I should not be getting a timing constraint violation originating from a flop inside that module. Problem ports: CLK_N. You can probably guess that I am quite new to the Vivado flow. 2). The first constraint set includes two XDC files. acf”, which is their own constraint file that lets you assign pins based on their names on the Alchitry board. If I search for *. Added UltraRAM Coding Templates in Chapter 3. This XDC command is used to constrain the output Sep 23, 2021 Knowledge. My problem is that one of the constraints doesn't get propageted to the xdc files included in the dcp. There are some considerations you have to make when switching boards. xdc and uart_led_timing_pynq. xdc file to override this clock rule. From the context, (in the . A carrier card designer can also refer to the KV260 Starter Kit 2. There is also the file “alchitry. Vivado XDC Macro Creation. In Vivado, add the new XCD file to the Design Sources in your project. Is the create clock constarint used only for Oct 11, 2023 · Keep the File Type as “Verilog”. Best to use ‘etx1’ everywhere (and not ‘etx1’ in some places and ‘ETX1’ elsewhere). For Example: report_timing -from [get_ports datain2] set_output_delay. tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. v”. 6 This file contains the constraints that your board places on designs using it - specific interfaces wired up to specific pins, clock frequencies, and FPGA bank voltages, for some examples. transceiver output pin (for example, a recovered clock) A primary clock can be defined only by the create @floriane_cof. The DAC will continuously play 10MHz sine wave from the DDS Compiler IP. Step 2 - Create board file and . 214. All: I'm using Vivado 2014. Vivado will use this name when generating its folder structure. xdc). d) Add all source files to the project. This file contains the constraints that your board places on designs using it - specific interfaces wired up to specific pins, clock frequencies, and FPGA bank voltages, for some examples. Nov 3, 2020 · Any other files you add are automatically linked. ° Open Synthesized Design: Opens the synthesized netlist, the active constraint set, and the target device into Synthesized Design environment, so you can perform I/O pin planning, design analysis, and floorplanning. In the last step I should be able to compile the array partitioning example but it fails: xdc file definately exists, it's in my vivado project when I created the platform! hello, <p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>I followed UG1236 but used the board files . Also, add the Verilog HDL files, uart_led_pins_pynq. The timer has automatically timed these paths as synchronous. IMPORTANT: Vivado synthesis does not support UCF constraints. Assuming that you were able to synthesize this design, I would check if 'clk' is in your netlist. For example, if using Zynq, it is used to define the configuration of the PS for the specific board so you can run automation in vivado. but I need to do timing analysis) Both XDC files are marked Enable in Synthesis and Implementation. 2) Thanks. Instead use an underscore, a dash, or CamelCase. These markers will cause errors in your Tcl scripts or XDC files. There is a fair bit of other Tcl syntax (like loops, for example), which cannot be used in XDC files, but variable definition and variable de-referencing are legal. You also can find links to all the previous MicroZed Chronicles blogs on my own Web site vivado; installation and licensing; design entry & vivado-ip flows; simulation & verification; synthesis; implementation; timing and constraints; vivado debug tools; advanced flows (hierarchical design etc. Title. I have also assigned the I/O standard as "LVDS" with pin specifications in the constraint. 2) Implementation in Vivado: a) Invoke the Vivado GUI. xdc Constraint File. -because sometimes errors in one line a caused by errors in other lines. I have a simple design wherein I've to initialize a 4MHz clock (main_clk) as one of the inputs to the top module. Inside the . 4 to impliment a MicroBlase based project targeted to a VC707 Eval board. Description. E. xdc files from the {SOURCES}{BOARD}\lab4 directory. XDC files are constraints files. Programming with a . ## To use it in a project: ## - uncomment the lines corresponding to used pins. Generating Versal ACAP Integrated Block for PCI Express IP . Loading application | Technical Information Portal Try moving the constraint to another line in the xdc file and then see if the tools still flag it as a problem. D and Rev. How does one go about creating their own xdc file? This file contains the constraints that your board places on designs using it - specific interfaces wired up to specific pins, clock frequencies, and FPGA bank voltages, for some examples. Mar 1, 2023 · Basic UCF Syntax Examples for Timing Specifications PERIOD TIME-SPEC The PERIOD specification covers all timing paths that start or end at a register, latch, or synchronous RAM that are clocked by the reference net (excluding pad destinations). An XDC file is only given a rudimentary syntax check from Vivado when it is initially read in. May 30, 2024 · Vivado™ Lab Edition is a compact, and standalone product targeted for use in the lab environments. Essential knowledge for users of RPMs. The example’s XDC file a two-multi cycle path with set-up and hold parameters. xdc file automatically being added to project. After completing this lab, you will be able to: Create a Vivado project sourcing HDL model(s) and targeting the ZYNQ or Spartan devices located on the Boolean or PYNQ-Z2 boards. the LTSSM trains to L0, comes off L0 and then goes back to L0. BUFFER_TYPE. In the runme. These cookies store data such as online identifiers (including IP address and device identifiers) along with the information used to provide the function. For the three ways to program your Basys3 FPGA there are two file types available; . Figure 4: . If 'clk' is not there, then it has optimized away; so recheck the VHDL if this is happens. Insertion from VHDL file. So the clock in the system may comes from 1. Limit the maximum line rate to 6. For more information, see this link in the ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration This design is based on the auto-generated example design, and has been only tested on Vivado 2015. 6 Gb/s if you need the core files for an FBG package, even if the GUI allows for a higher line rate (For Kintex-7 devices the maximum line rate is not dependent on package type and can be up to 12. 3" to try to build and run the example design on a ZCU102 board. IP Configuration Sep 5, 2021 · . Add a Master XDC File to a Vivado Project This can be done as follows in the XDC file: set_property MAX_FANOUT 20 [get_cells {fanout_bus_reg[0]}] Currently the tool accepts the attribute and replicates the net to meet the fanout described above, but in turn this also replicates the nets of [9:1] if they have higher fanout (>20). ## - rename the used ports (in each line, after get_ports) according to the top level signal names in the project. I have also written create_clock constraint of period 20ns (50MHz) in xdc file. # Define the top level system clock of the design. The XDC Macro is a new physical constraint object that enables relative placement specification during implementation. Installation And Licensing. Find the lines corresponding to the HDMI TX and uncomment the following lines (by removing the “#” symbol at the start of the line): Open Vivado and create a blank project lab6_1_2. added Using Synthesis Attributes in XDC files in Chapter 2. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the . inst_lut}] set_property LOC SLICE_X0Y60 [get_cells {Chain [0]. Design Entry & Vivado-IP Flows. This answer record contains information on support for some of the Vivado synthesis properties in XDC: DONT_TOUCH. These examples can be used directly in the . Using a . For more information on multi-cycle paths please look at UG903. xdc Constraint File Example. This is used by vivado to create some board related configuration. create_clock -period 10 -name sysClk [get_ports sysClk] # Define the clocks for the GTX blocks. This will cause problems with Vivado. It provides for programming and logic/serial IO debug of all Vivado supported devices. Important: Do NOT use spaces in the project name or location path. You will find a few different board files for the SOM itself - the differences between each SOM variants can be found here. Click OK. xdc file, select it, and click Next. For example, constraints do not need to be manually created for the IP processor system. This can also be used to assign peripherals to pins also using automation when the IPs support automation. xilinx. So, in the Vivado . Click the dropdown below for a walkthrough of how to add this file to your project. Some of the components may not port over nicely. For the two ways to program your Cmod A7 FPGA there are two associated file types available; . Unfortunately UG471 isn't much help to anybody using Vivado. XDC in my project directory I see many files but when I opened each one to see pin assignments, I don't see any pin location, strength, voltage level, and other constraints. But it requires adding code to the design files, VHDL code that’s redundant in the real product. Example project . Create a new Module —Select “Create File”. If you are switching the XDC file to the same board, for example Nexys 4 DDR UCF to Nexys 4 DDR XDC, you can go on to the next step. g. It uses a DAC and ADC sample rate of 1. An ISE project of the same design is also attached to demonstrate the corresponding OFFSET IN and OFFSET OUT constraints and the path analysis in ISE. It uses the ZCU208 board. 2 In most instances, the Vivado tools also suppo rt Xilinx® design constraints (XDC), which is based on the industry-standard Synopsys design constraints (SDC). Using Constraint Files (XDC) A Xilinx Design Constraints file or XDC file is needed to interface between your SystemVerilog modules and the Basys 3. bit and . Expand Post NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e. xdc board_ddr. xdc” file that’s passed directly to Vivido, with some general constraints. An XDC file is required to generate configuration bit file. I did a grep recursive search for keyword "LOC" in all This answer record shows the support of some of the Vivado synthesis properties in XDC: SHREG_EXTRACT, ROM_STYLE, RAM_STYLE, MAX_FANOUT. I am new to Vivado. Jun 6, 2014 · Synthesis www. When you create constraints in the Vivado IDE (for example with the Constraints Wizard), these constraints will be written to the top-level xdc file that you have designated at the “target” file. Add a Master XDC File to a Vivado Project When you use this XDC file you associate it with the module. 3 WARNING: [Vivado 12-818] Hi, I'm following the "HDMI FrameBuffer Example Design 2018. inst_lut" for example) given by Starting from Vivado 2017. The input delay will be listed and the value can also be confirmed. 1, constraints used in Implementation will not be stored into the IP OOC DCP to discourage the use of IP OOC DCP standalone. Click Next . Learn how to create post-synthesis macros using new XDC constraints. clock input port 2. Based on this IP, I then create a dcp file. ZCU102 HDMI FrameBuffer Example Design 2018. Presently, I am using these lines in my xdc file: set_property -dict {IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports main_clk] create_clock -add -name main_clk -period 250. generated from some Xilinx IPs If I missed some clock source types, please add. MMCM output 3. In non-project mode the XDC file is read in with. 3 (64-bit) SW Build: 2405991 on Thu Dec 6 23:36:41 MST 2018 IP Build: 2404404 on Fri Dec 7 01:43:56 MST 2018 OS: Ubuntu 16. The processing order of XDC files stored in IP DCP is the same as that of IP native XDCs. XDC file from the example project is being added Feb 6, 2022 · After copying the IP folder to your desired local directory, select Settings from the Flow Navigator window. xdc and the location constraint as per my understanding is: set_property LOC IBUFDS_GTE2_X0Y2 [get_cells refclk_ibuf]. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 7) At this point Vivado will open up a part selection window. Later on (usually sometime during the synthesis step, but this can vary), the actual XDC is applied. Your XDC file should be updated with Vivado ILA constraints as shown below: Implement and Generate the PDI image. Added True Dual-Port Asymmetric RAM Write First (Verilog) in Chapter 3. Mar 2, 2022 · xdc does not exist. Here you can define the inputs and outputs of the module. 2020. 47456GHz. 62465 - Vivado Constraints - "set_property -dict" constraints get expanded when saving constraints. 6. XDC-FIle CODE: attention i didn't copy it really well . xdc file, port names are case sensitive. The second constraint set uses only one XDC file For example, for a register named a_reg in an IP instance "a_inst" under the top level, the following constraint in the IP XDC causes the above Critical Warning. Click “OK” and then click “Finish”. Clocks in XDC. I cannot find related critical warnings and normal warnings (the hardware works as I expected. When the Generate Output Products process completes, click OK. However, the use of this override is highly discouraged. set_property INIT 1 [get_cells a_inst/a_reg] Click on the '+' in the middle of the screen to add files, navigate to where you saved your Arty_sw_Demo. xdc file is a list of Tcl commands which apply the constraints during compilation. Then I run the "Create and Package IP" functinality to create my own IP. IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_13 ; IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_13; As Bruce has mentioned, chapter 2 of UG475 has links to ASCII package files that show you pin names for your FPGA. When I do the timing constrain, one of the questions which always puzzled me is what clocks in the system need to be defined manually in Xdc file. To demonstrate the importance of multi-cycle paths, I have created a simple example that you can download here. b) Create a project by using the New Project Wizard in the same way as in the above example design flow. set_property AUTOPIPELINE_GROUP group_name [get_nets -of [get_pins a62c / A62_SDAT_reg / Q]] Instead of using AUTOPIPELINE_GROUP, you should consider adding pipeline registers using HDL. XDS file. The problem is that when I program my board, sometimes I can't see the correct clocks on the board using the ossiliscope! The clocks seem to have a weird behaviour and this behaviour changes time to time. Design Files RTL Example Design Verilog Test Bench Verilog Constraints File Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) Simulation Model Source HDL with SecureIP transceiver simulation models Supported S/W Driver Not Provided Tested Design Flows Design Entry Vivado® Design Suite Simulation For supported simulators, see the Xilinx Design Tools: Release Feb 28, 2021 · Insertion from xdc/tcl file; We will use the first two methods and leave the third for a later tutorial. • Copying examples that span more than one page in the PDF captures extraneous You can add your Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) files to a constraints set during the creation of a new project, or later, from the Vivado IDE menus. I'd like to try LVDS output from pins F4 and G4, but I don't know how to describe LVDS output in verilog. In example carrier card projects, we have created a few board configuration files used by Vivado to create board related configurations. xdc file for custom carrier card. Pick a memorable location in your filesystem to place the project. The SOM Vivado board file includes an XDC file that captures the Zynq UltraScale\+ MPSoC package mapping to SOM connector pin definitions. generated by counter logic 4. ) vitis; vitis embedded development & sdk; ai engine architecture & tools; vitis ai & ai; vitis acceleration & acceleration; hls; production 2) Reads the DCP pointed to by the XCI. While XDC files cannot use the complete Tcl syntax, using variables is legal in an XDC file - you should have no problem with this syntax. understanding create_clock constraint. ## This file is a general . XDCファイルは、Xilinx社のFPGA及び適応型SoCに対して制約を与えることができるファイルで、以下の項目で制約 Aug 5, 2015 · 1. Migrate UCF constraints to XDC constraints. com Send Feedback 26 UG901 (v2014. When I instance the DDR3 controller the . Introduction. inst_lut}] It will be helpful for you to read "Converting UCF to XDC in the PlanAhead Tool" in UG911. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a . In order to constrain asynchronous clock domain crossings correctly, there are four things to consider: If there are no paths between the two clocks, the simply use set_clock_groups or set_false_path between the two clocks. 3) Reads the extracted EDIF netlist. The ADC output will be sent to a System ILA to be displayed in the Hardware Manager. How could I comment out (uncomment) a block? I am using Vivado 2016. Created 3 years ago. Hope this helps. For example, when this constraint is added to the design in the tcl console: set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN H10 In most instances, the Vivado tools also suppo rt Xilinx® design constraints (XDC), which is based on the industry-standard Synopsys design constraints (SDC). This is an example starter design for the RFSoC. 1, the Appendix C XDC Constraints File Listing shows the following: However, in the Vivado install folder on the user PC (default path indicated below), the pin constraint file of the KC705 board shows the USB UART pin assignments to be: Then I use the Vivado (2014. xdc constraint file and comment / uncomment a block. Example codes and constraints are attached at the end of this answer record. Select a Kintex-7 device with 4 GTX transceivers from CORE Generator (for example,XC7K160T FBG484). Vivado always expands the dictionary mappings with set_property (set_property -dict) when saving constraints. Save the new XDC file. wr pf yq qj dq cp gf ce zh av