Zabbix run powershell script

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


Anthony Gallo Image

Jan 2, 2013 · Open a Powershell by going to ‘Start -> Run’ and typing in ‘powershell’ and hit enter. On the host, the command returns the json with the correct values. There is still a lot to do, but distributing it already works. ps1: Powershell script. Description. Windows XP 64-bit and Server 2003 for Zabbix agent; Windows 10 32-bit and Server 2016 for Zabbix agent 2. Confirm that command was received and excuted on Agent 2 (DebugLevel=4) Expected output should be Aug 27, 2018 · I created item status. Simply navigate to the script (or even drag and drop the script) to run it. Parameters are given when configuring the item. The two powershell scripts also run correctly and have the correct data. Steps to reproduce: Jun 21, 2023 · However, I want a trigger action to run a Powershell script on the host. Continuing that example, if the process is not running and you wanted to start it, you can ask the agent to execute a command that might start the process. ps1 -instName 'PayMentServer' -dbName Dec 9, 2022 · Zabbix Returning Empty Value When Using PowerShell Get-Process. May 8, 2020 · Zabbix Agent deployment with PowerShell / MSI. The firewall is disabled and the zabbix agent is alive in the remote hosts. exe -command "get-ClusterGroup | Select Name | ConvertTo-Json -Compress"] Info: Text. Execution steps. exe -Verb RunAs}" -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File "file location" but it seems to only run powershell and give no actual output. A single instance may use either: the default configuration file, located in the same directory as the agent binary; a configuration file specified in the command line. We tried running Powershell scripts but we ran into a few issues which we fix company-wide and we also get a Timeout while executing the script. exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "c:\Zabbix\rep. hide. conf i do not have a correct item key for UserParameter. web. EXE environment. What i'm trying to set up is a trigger in such a way that if the script fails or returns a "BAD", will check for the previous returned Feb 29, 2024 · Scripts can extend Zabbix in various different aspects. 0\powershell. 12-09-2022, 21:05. Then type this command to prevent verification of scripts: set-executionpolicy Unrestricted. ps1 if port available echo "No issues found" exit (0) else echo "Not responding Apr 9, 2019 · i try to monitor cpu server with zabbix agent, my item key is not supported on zabbix, i tried this item key : #system. Feb 16, 2018 · Anyone direct me toward a source of information for Powershell & Zabbix interaction. The concept of a discovery rule, is to have a script that when run, will automatically discover groups of something on your host, or even network. ps1" And finally in the Frontend I configured a template item Powershell Script - Get-RunningDesktopApps with the key Get-RunningDeskopApps. OUs possible. But I also want to include the Issuer from the Certificate. The [*] defines that this key accepts parameters within the brackets. It has many different ways to collect Jul 22, 2023 · Created item in zabbix UI with the key ping_monitor[{IP_ADDRESS}] 4. I also tried from the host cli getting the following output : Code: c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2>zabbix_agent2. For example, databases on a database server. org -accepteula -u AdminUser -p AdminPassword restart "Zabbix Agent 2". After downloading the codes, please put them in the C:\ folder. Add the line, Jul 6, 2017 · I have this same userparameters and scripts running under windows server 2012R2 and working fine. Saw that there are around 100 items implemented (passiv/active agents to see if it makes a difference, which it does not) which use system. By default, all scripts in Zabbix are executed using the sh shell, and it is not possible to modify the default shell. sudo visudo. External checks do not require any agent running on a host being monitored. Hi there, I have a Powershell script that I want to execute on Clients. Use complex logic within your scripts, and simply collect the end result in the Zabbix Execute PowerShell Scripts to Check Windows Updates Video Lecture. I have also checked agent log (LogRemoteCommands=1) and the script is executed but no value is Apr 21, 2023 · Script type: Zabbix also supports custom scripts, which can be written in various scripting languages (such as Bash, Perl, Python, or PowerShell) and executed in different scopes, depending on where the script is intended to run. It breaks when called through the CMD. This works when directly run on the host: PowerZabbix allows query zabbix data via the zabbix api and access frontend using powershell code! In addition to the cmdlets that represent API calls, this tool adds some other cmdlets and parameters to enhance de user experience with zabbix API. exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File " C:\zabbix\scripts\scripttest. Jan 15, 2015 · Elevated Powershell using Zabbix Agent. There are three different execution scopes for custom scripts which defines where can they be used: How To Run PowerShell Scripts On Zabbix Agent ( youtu. exchangevsswriter,%systemroot %\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1. 4 My second problem is that the conf file doesnt add right hostname. Zabbix started collecting data with 0s as value. May 27, 2021 · Type: Zabbix Agent (active) Key: system. Run this file form CMD not from Powershell - is still working? In userparameter add C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1. I have tried various things, but can't seem to get it working. * Go to Configuration -> General. My userparameter looks like this: UserParameter=mssql. when the action is triggered I receive "unknown metric system. Simple filter over e. The command/script is executed similarly on both Unix and Windows platforms: Jun 12, 2024 · I inherited the Zabbix server in our company. ps1" I have all my Powershell scripts signed! My server is in a domain with settings ExecutionPolicy in scope MachinePolicy to AllSigned (Allow only signed scripts). I want to get the last update date (windows Updates). Once you click on it you will see that the name is ‘ system. log file in D:\EmailMonitor directory and zabbix has the correct latest data. sh script to call that . run [powershell. Since Zabbix 2. Nov 7, 2016 · But I am getting in the zabbix_server. To check failure, deleted the route to the remote IP from the host and was waiting for the value of 1 instead there was no update for the particular item. DNS}, {HOST. I have run the script directly in the machine I am monitoring and it works OK. It simply writes the current date/time to a file. . And I ran successfully some windows command (like dir, run batch,tasklist) using zabbix_get command on zabbix server. This is the used trigger: {host:raid. The syntax of the item key is: Steps to reproduce: Create passive check, key "system. HOST}, {HOST. exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File C:\zabbix\conf\C Sep 14, 2018 · Zabbix agent install with powershell. You have to pass the filename as parameter to the script. I have a Powershell script which return http status code when querying an URL. Nov 9, 2014 · echo "1". system. exe -executionpolicy bypass -File \"C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\Scripts\Get-PendingReboot. share. conf, EnableRemoteCommands 0 to 1. Execute check either via "Execute" or using zabbix_get. report. Add the following to C:\zabbix\conf\zabbix_agentd. Oct 5, 2022 · I am using PsService to restart the zabbix service remotely. Other solution is just change max timeout in source code Winupdates. Just a moment does not show the RAM usage of the guest VMs. Some inbuilt Zabbix agent discovery rules are. Jul 17, 2019 · Just try to think about one small detail that sampling data with such long timeout makes your measurements not precise on time scale. For the administration script used to detect the operating system, the nmap executable will be used from either the Zabbix Server or Zabbix Proxy, and it will need to be installed on the server or proxy first, and you will also need to allow the Zabbix user sudo privileges to execute it. TAGS}: Application:Services, SvcName:wuauserv, WindowsServer Via powershell I removed first and last tags and the tag that remain is service name, which the script runs. Unzip pre-compiled agent to C:\zabbix\. create new one and in condition field ive select which trigger must meet. sh script's name in zabbix web. Executing a system. Solution: switch from zabbix agent/zabbix agent (active) items to zabbix trapper items where you you be able to put correct (probe finish time) timestamp. ps1 Aug 8, 2011 · One of the scripts, for instance, reports "GOOD" for the raid status check. check. Copying the command from ‘System run – agent version’. On Windows, the sender is part of the agent installation so if you already have the agent, you also have the sender. RaulChiarella commented. My Key is: system. Aug 26, 2016 · One is responsible for scheduling and starting scheduled task (schedule it self but with different arguments), second heavy and long running does the action. Command to be executed to evaluate value of the key. Note the asterisk and $1. Both UI and command-line based installation is Jul 7, 2021 · Get-Service -Name 'Zabbix Agent' | set-service -StartupType Automatic Basically it works with 5. WinupdatesV5. Example {EVENT. txt file and than exits. GPO friendly 0 stars 0 forks Branches Tags Activity Nov 23, 2018 · When I run this command from the console it does return the value: zabbix_get -s 10. . 0 and older versions but not anymore with the 5. Apr 18, 2020 · Install the zabbix-sender application. On the host you want to monitor, you will need to install zabbix-sender. [root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd -V. How to get the answer in the event information to get the host name and not its ID. run and gets the data in item. Must be placed in a "plugins" directory under your Zabbix Agent install folder (eg: C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\plugins). status : The term '\$(Get-service 'SomeService'). run["Powershell C. exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Nologo -NoProfile -file "C:\namepowershell. filesize,powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\scripts\monitoring_db_sizes. exe -NonInteractive "C:\Zabbix\rep. It's simple to reproduce: 1. exe -command D:\Zabbix-Monitoring\Scripts\Do_something. xml: Template to import into Zabbix. run["powershell C:\zabbix\scripts\database_status_disc. conf the next parameter (extern server): UserParameter=BadblockCheck,powershell. 5. Jan 11, 2011 · Get your mounted points Caption (get it from WMI by query " select * from Win32_Volume "): We will use for example the mountpoint T:\Users\Profiles. This script does not require any input parameters. It works exactly as intended when run manually in a command prompt from a host. I have some custom User Parameters defined in my Agent config file. Code: Mar 4, 2010 · The timeout that applies to shell scripts is hardcoded in Zabbix and the only way to change it is to alter the source code and recompile. The zabbix agent in zabbix server runs the script using system. state,powershell. I believe it's the exit code, and 1 should be Mar 10, 2020 · Provide the valid name of a Windows PowerShell script file and try again. run agent version ‘, the type is ‘ Zabbix agent ‘, the key is ‘ system. It appears that ALL items (see below re: customer. Scripts for Zabbix agent running on Windows (and UNIX) My collection of scripts for zabbix agents on Windows and UNIX hosts. (system. 0\powersh ell. exe -NoProfile -Nologo -File C:\scripts\winfirewallon. If we could have, say a User Parameter that uses the cmd. Removing the nowait parameter allows the script to execute correctly. Script works without issues created a script:. In other words, you better optimise your PowerShell script to provide output and bail if it's taking too long. exe \\SERVER01. This works when directly run on the host: powershell. Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:24:22 PM. exe -nologo -command " (Install-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate -Force; Get-WUHistory | Select-Object -first 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Date)"] Now I got the error: In Zeile:1 Zeichen:45. I then researched some more and saw that I have to create a bash . - second script will pass variable "vol1" to get. Jun 21, 2022 · I used {EVENT. Jul 19, 2019 · Then based on that Itemprototype I want to create a triggerprototype that signals me when the database had too little space left ( smaller than 10GB for example). exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\zabbix_scripts\mytestscript. exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File "C:\Program Files\zabbix\script. * Select Media Types. 2. Unfortunately, the result gives the host ID and not its name. 1 Mar 27, 2024 · Thanks for the feedback. exe -command c:\zabbix\scripts\fragmentacion_e. To utilize a different shell, you can employ a workaround: create a script file and invoke that script during command execution. Hey all, This seems simple, but has been eluding me. I have modified the agent config file with EnableRemoteCommands=1. ps1 on the BRN-APL-02 server everything May 16, 2023 · Hi, I have a script that checks the Backlog of DFS Replication, but it needs to run as Administrator. They send email and slack messages to sysadmins. I have an item prototype to run a powershell script on Windows. PS: I tried with different combinations of Hello i want remote run a powershell script from the zabbix server by action. The status of the Zabbix server looks like this: May 18 18:58:54 zbxSrvPrd powershell [4198]: (7. If you know your ways around a CLI, you will be able to extend your monitoring capabilities and streamline workflows related to most Zabbix components. Sep 28, 2018 · After enabling remote commands on the agent config, I'm running the script with the following key on an item: system. ps1"] Aug 18, 2023 · After the instances come back online post Windows reboot, the Zabbix custom monitoring PowerShell script runs for prolonged periods and consumes excessive CPU resources. 1. log (items not suported). The host name and its ID are obtained by another Zabbix API query. run ["powershell. run[powershell. Greetings Zabbix users! We are trying to automate the zabbix agent installation for our windows servers that we run in AWS cloud platform and we are looking for a working PowerShell script that would do it. and the remote command execution is enabled in client side. win. Then by using content search i created trigger. Learn how to configure Zabbix Userparameter feature to enable the integration of custom scripts to the Zabbix Agent and Dashboard. 0. status' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Oct 26, 2021 · The ps1 script works fine on both the Ubuntu VM and on my Windows PC. 3:8:80) [NamedPipeIPC_ServerListenerStarted:NamedPipe. ps1\" check",nowait] " Execute check either via "Execute" or using zabbix_get 1) On the server, where the Zabbix Agent installed, run the command. ps1"] and triggers Sep 24, 2020 · I am working on running some PowerShell scripts BUT - on linux, pswh works well in general from the command prompt, here is the simply command that check the date: pawel@zabbix:/$ pwsh -Command "Get-Date". com but unfortunately it write only test-test. Very simple and it works. At Windows Server side. But the problem is what execute scripts on the Map is not functional. Zabbix Agents >v5. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sep 6, 2021 · Send variable to powershell script 09-06-2021, 12:07. However, what I want to do is that if the Zabbix agent shows unreachable for 3m minutes (the standard zabbix trigger) that is will automatically try Apr 30, 2020 · It should look like this: Code: UserParameter=test. * in Type, select Script. but not work. exe like we have now, AND a PSUser Parameter that directly invokes PS commands. ps1" Item 1: Type: zabbix agent (active) Jun 29, 2023 · Hello, I have created a powershell script in agent and now i need to run it with the help of Alert-&gt;Script option. I try to send a remote command with zabbix_get from zabbix server. Steps to reproduce: Create passive check, key "system. run" as a response. All scripts are designed to use with passive checks and most of them are written on PowerShell. 2 for x64. Nov 9, 2019 · We're trying to set up monitoring of a large number of http services on networks only accessible from hosts, not the Zabbix server. azure-type:zabbix trapper-Type of information:text i installed powershell on Zabbix server and created a bash script to run powershell. 90d, 60d, 30d, etc. How should I proceed? Nov 2, 2019 · What is the "Best Practice" and the required steps to configure the Zabbix server to run a script and alert if there are errors found? For example, the team responsible for an app we have on Windows wrote a simple PowerShell script: # Pseudocode for C:\Scripts\check. Mar 23, 2018 · In the frontend please open [Create discovery rule] section and set discovery key as volperc. check_win_updates2020. comment. * Click Create Media Type. My intention is for these scripts to be concentrated on the zabbix server, for this format I did not find ways to use system. exe -nologo -command \$(Get-service 'SomeService'). On Linux you will need to install the sender separately from the same repo you installed the agent from as follows: Nov 23, 2022 · Good morning, I'm having a problem with a host, I would like to restart the host based on a trigger event. These rules are created and assigned to your hosts when you add certain templates. Informational] PowerShell has started an IPC listening thread on Dec 22, 2021 · first of all ive creat script on zabbix server: scope: action operation. Overview. ) There is also a Media Type SMS (I havn't tried it yet, though) Steps: Launch Windows PowerShell as an Administrator, and wait for the PS> prompt to appear. The only value that I receive is: get-ClusterGroup | Select Name | ConvertTo-Json -Compress. item,powershell. The Type of information is 'Text'. Sep 24, 2014 · UserParameter=vm. * Create subdirectory in zabbix agent directory, call it Scripts (C:\Progra~1\Zabbix) * Create a powershell script disk_data. Jul 1, 2016 · So in the answer from Richv you would use that for polling for data, e. run command as shown in the example below does not execute correctly when nowait parameter is set. Example: system. g. ps1\" check",nowait] ". Open. domain. 16 -k teverwerken 2338 In the agent conf I included the following line UserParameter=teverwerken,powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "Path to script\tvermap. ps1] ) Within the latest data of these Items i saw Apr 15, 2014 · Zabbix Item: system. Our ultimate goal is integrate it with AWS Systems Manager which enables to push scripts on remote Although the script works fine directly called in a PS environment. In the zabbix agent Config I added, the User Parameter: Code: UserParameter=script. run["powershell. Script below: Nov 17, 2021 · Add a name, choose type as “Zabbix agent”, select “Key” as “system. In my situation, output from this macro are 3 tags. I'm able to show in log file in agent that command is successful executed on agent but nothing Jan 30, 2022 · in powershell control of external services. exe /nologo C:\Scripts\exchangevsswriter. In the user parameters, I've gone with UserParameter=dfsrcheck[*], Powershell. ps1] It works OK but when I try to get the same info for drive C: I get no value. However, when hosts are monitored by a Zabbix proxy, the external checks are executed by the proxy. exe -Command "& {Start-Process Powershell. testParams_ps,powershell -noninteractive -file "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\Testing\testParams3. local. I decided to use a powershell script. ps1 file. discovery. You can verify if the change was a success by running: get-executionpolicy. IP}, {HOST. Tags: None. The proxy has to run these scripts but being in the docker it doesn't recognize the powershell libraries in the native ubuntu. However when trying to run it as an item I am getting an error: Dec 3, 2018 · Originally posted by mrco88. Jun 23, 2020 · The one "Official" solution that Zabbix provides has no support and no documentation to follow. to find out if a process is running. 161. CONN}, {HOST. ps1" on zabbix config and create item : system. commands: service mysqld stop. However when the script times out on its execution, it sends a false alarm. My issue is, that when i execute the script from the cmd, i get the correct execution however whener it is called by the zabbix agent, i believe it is calling a 32bit version of powershell for wich some of my items just dont work. 12. I want to have Zabbix run a Powershell command when an event occurs. in operaions tab select "Operations" and seect my script,, but nothing happen. The problem I'm running into now is the following when I run a script on one of my machines: However if I run the same command in my server console to a powershell script: Even the command without calling the script: Mar 6, 2018 · UserParameter=test,powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\script. I'm trying simple script execute via remote on zabbix, So I modified target computer's zabbix_agentd. run to run powershell scripts. Jun 21, 2023 · However, I want a trigger action to run a Powershell script on the host. Code: PsService. I much prefer bash, but with the help of Google I was able to finish this ;-) After finding out that one of the servers we're monitoring had a harddisk that wasn't being back-uped I wanted a way to monitor this. volperc [*],powershell -NoProfile -executionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Zabbix\scripts\get_volperc. i had to install the agent on many computers for a customer. The output looks like this: {. Jan 16, 2018 · Hyper-V LLD with custom powershell script. ps1 If I run the above command on the Zabbix client computer manually in the command line the script returns the correct value (a single digit). If a macro may resolve to a value with spaces (for example, host name), don't forget to quote as needed. Apr 22, 2013 · I have added the following line to the zabbix configuration: UserParameter=system. In this lesson we will install 3 scripts, that we can use to query Windows Updates status on a remote windows host. ps1 (enter) Or: you can run the PowerShell script from the Command Prompt ( cmd. But as I am using an external script do I need to set a UserParameter? I am using zabbix 3. After configuring all that, I am stuck as in the history log of the external check item I can Execute Python Script on Remote Linux Host with Zabbix Agent Execute a Shell Script using Zabbix Agent User Parameters Administration Scripts Execute PowerShell Scripts to Check Windows Updates Calculated Items Creating Custom LLD Rules - Part 1 Creating Custom LLD Rules - Part 2 Configure SNMP Hosts in Zabbix Apr 9, 2020 · I have Items and Triggers that check SSL Certificates for the number of days remaining before they expire. 1 comment. Let’s copy the command. When using a path without spaces or using the 8dot3 names it is working unless I put quotes around the path. #15. and the answer is "zbx_notsupported". When it runs, it fails, saying that it's an unsupported item key. TAGS} macro as variable for service name in the script. It's using the MSI package 5. Simple tutorial on how you can use your PowerShell scripts together with Zabbix to gather values. run [PowerShell. str (GOOD)}#1. How most i set the action. You may use positional references $1…$9 in the command to refer to the respective parameter in the item Jul 1, 2019 · Here is the Powershell script Create an item called "whoami" on the host which you want to monitor Add a User parameter on the Zabbix Agent Conf file (change the path to the powershell script as required) Feb 14, 2019 · создаю item с ключом system. run["PowerShell. I wrote a simple PowerShell script to check and see if specific processes are running in Windows. exe) like this: zabbix-powershell-scripts. Powershell script: Removing the nowait parameter allows the script to execute correctly. then action > trigger action>. May 23, 2017 · The issue: After adding a UserParameter that run a PowerShell script I get the wrong output when getting the key with zabbix_get. 1. run ‘, so it means we will be executing a remote command. I thought about creating a custom docker image Flexible user parameters have the following syntax: Unique item key. volperc [*] UserParameter=get. I would like to create LLD items for the VMCPU (CPU Usage%) and VM RAM (bytes) for each discovered VM. be) submitted 1 year ago by DmLambert Zabbix Team. Jul 5, 2021 · In my scenario i have three scripts. exe -test system. run[] If you have configuration examples and could share them, I would be grateful. save. run[command,<mode>]” and put the command inside to run your script, leave “Host interface” as “zabbix-agent You can run a single instance of Zabbix agent or multiple instances of the agent on a Microsoft Windows host. The first instance of the script exists fast and some time later the second one writes my statistics. ps1, plase here (C:\Progra~1\Zabbix\Scripts\disk Dec 1, 2021 · I'm trying to get event information using Zabbix API and PowerShell. But when I call the script from the Zabbix server using zabbix_get, the agent seem te wait for all instances to finish. I need to execute the script on Zabbix agent. This is my first powershell script I wrote. exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "c:\test. ps1 $1. run [""]". May 18, 2021 · After running a Power Shell script, using Discovery Rule with Type "External check", the Zabbix server does not work. Powershell and bash scripts for Windows and all Linux distibutions to install Zabbix Agent 2 on machines and automatically add the host on Zabbix Frontend. May be it is something like " 2 " (with leading and trailing spaces) It will be more simple to convert it to simple Internal number before output. Today I already use this function, but each script is on the host I want to monitor. You can now run any PowerShell command or script with Administrator privilege. check_win_updates-v5. I for the life of me can't figure out how to format it so Zabbix is properly handling the path. type script. What do i wrong: set on the zabbix_agentd. Jun 29, 2020 · In this lesson we will install 3 scripts, that we can use to query Windows Updates status on a remote windows host. The Zabbix get and sender utilities can also be installed, either together with Zabbix agent/agent 2 or separately. Hello, Im trying to send variable to PowerShell scrip ussing key: powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Nov 27, 2019 · You can supply parameters with macros: The following macros are supported in the commands: {HOST. I’ve found some info and scripts, such as “zabbixposhapi”, but looking for more…suggestions appreciated. 18 hours ago · I have problems running manual and automatic scripts on my Windows machines after upgrading my zabbix server to version 7. ps1. etc i have test-test. What I like about Zabbix is that it is very flexible and powerful tool right out of the box. Result of scheduling will appear in execution script dialog box in zabbix, result of long running action is going to log file Here is example of powershell script StartCleanDisk. ps1" $1. exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file C:\path_to_script\some. I would like to share my codes related to zabbix powershell scripts. Check the Health summary status of vcenter (VAMI) 2. I am running multiple instances of these processes which run in a command window so all of the processes have the same name, but I need to differentiate between each May 27, 2015 · Option 1: Put all command in . You can then exit the Powershell. conf: Code: Dec 31, 2014 · When I run the script from the windows command prompt, I get the expected output as follows in the sender. We would like to achieve this with a Zabbix item, however, we are struggling to achieve this. ps1". Hello, We are currently trying to see if all of our laptops have their Windows activated. and check the result. ps1 powershell script and create an external check with the . ps1",nowait] The item is enabled, but it's returning a constant value of 1. The powershell script if ran inside from the host, returns 1 without Mar 17, 2017 · When I run this script from the Windows PowerShell commandline, this works fine. The directories where the scripts are expected are defined in the main zabbix configuration file ( AlertScriptsPath . Navigate within PowerShell to the directory where the script lives: PS> cd C:\my_path\yada_yada\ (enter) Execute the script: PS> . In case of multiple instances each agent instance must have its own May 7, 2023 · Hello, I try to create a Item on den Zabbix-Server for the agent. 15-01-2015, 14:25. See below item. \run_import_script. I use powershell for linux because it is a language I know best. NAME}. This script may help you troubleshooting your own powershell notifications. I know this happens when in my zabbix_agent. Running the exact same script as Dec 21, 2021 · Press Windows key + X (or right-click the start menu) Choose Windows PowerShell (admin) Click Yes on the User Account Security prompt. } I set the execution policy in powershell to unrestricted. Two of the scripts will be used as host items, and the other will be an powershell. The script must be copied into the UserParameter=Get-RunningDeskopApps,powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\scripts\Get-RunningDesktopApps. All packages come with TLS support, however, configuring TLS is optional. We can execute PowerShell commands on remote hosts with Zabbix agent. Apr 20, 2011 · The following powershell demo script has a very basic functionality to demonstrate how powershell scripts work in PRTG. Jul 27, 2023 · 27-07-2023, 15:56. status",] тип данных text в ответе получаю \$(Get-service 'SomeService'). Jun 6, 2006 · Originally posted by schneck. I have created another script that returns that value, and I can create Items for each one. External check is a check executed by Zabbix server by running a shell script or a binary. If I run command script. In order to call the code from zabbix you need to run the key "system. 2, user macros are supported in script commands. Check the running services if its stopped or degraded. So it works fine, but I aks following. powershell. client) are spawned at once leading to multiple PowerShell scripts running at the same time. iu ro cy yh ht bd ny mo if wu